chapter 4

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Adrain woke up to Winnie wanting to go outside 

Winnie was kinda like Adrain's alarm.

her cat would roam during the day and come back to be with Adrain at night 

Adrain got up and let Winnie out and got ready for school  

she looked at her phone it was 7:10 

Adrain "oh shit! I have to meet Ace"

she grabbed her backpack and her lunch and ran out the door

as she was running her knee started to throb, so she had to walk instead 

Adrian " fuck every time I try to be early, I'm late!!"

she finally made it outside and Luckly Ace wasn't there yet 

she for a little bit then she saw Ace walking towards her 

she smiled and waved 

Ace " sry I'm a little late"

Adrain "oh no your fine I just got here myself"

they started to walk to school and Adrain was in a lot of pain 

she was cursing herself in her head for running earlier

"why tf did I have to run that was so stupid"

"why can't the pain just go away I don't need Vanessa to see me limping"

"keep it together Adrain"

"wait I still have to show Ace around school 😭"

Adrain snaped out of her thoughts when Ace spoke 

Ace "so how long have you lived here?"

Adrain "my whole life"

Ace "wow so you must know your way around pretty well"

Adrain "yea especially when I need to get away"

Ace "get away?" 

Adrian "you know from the craziness of life"

Ace "huh I've never had a place like that"  

Adrain "really?"

Ace "is that hard to believe" he chuckled

Adrain "just a little bit" she smiled 

Adrain " well then, I guess we'll have to find you one"

Ace " what do you mean?"

Adrain "I mean that after school we should explore"

Ace "ok"

they both smiled at each other.

as Adrain was showing Ace where his classes are Emma walked up to her 

Adrain rolled her eyes and was about to move away from her with Ace but sadly failed 

Emma " hey Adrain"

Adrain faked a smile and turned to Emma

Adrain "what's up"

Emma "well you seem happy"

Adrain "why wouldn't I be" 

Emma " oh I don't know maybe bc you parents were probably on the verge of disowning you"

Adrain "well as you can see everything is fine no thanks to you"

Emma "oh having and attitude with me are we"

Adrain "Emma I better things to do right now then to argue with you"

Emma looked at Ace 

Emma "whose this"

Adrain "none of your business"

Emma " hey your kinda hot you know"

Ace "umm thanks I guess 

Adrain could tell Ace was very uncomfortable she wanted to get him out of this situation.

Adrain "well we're leaving now "

Emma "ok but you have no to sit with at lunch now are you going to just hide in the classrooms with your dumb headphones all alone like a loser."

Adrain "like I told Vanessa whatever I do or don't if none of your business" 

Emma "whatever"

Adrain "come on Ace lets go before class starts"

Adrain and Ace left Emma and Ace was very confused 

but he didn't want to pry so he left it alone 

Ace "do you mind if I sit with you at lunch?"

Adrian "really, you want to sit with me?"

Ace "yea is there something wrong with that"

Adrain smiled and said " I guess not"

just then the bell rang and they said goodbye 

they had a few classes together but they weren't till after lunch

at the end of third period which was science it was Adrain's turn to clean the equipment 

she had her hand full of test tubes and beakers when she felt her shoulder about to give out 

Adrain "Mr. Johnson"

Mr. Johnson "yes Adrain"

Adrian "can you come here for a sec"

she didn't want the rest of the class to know that she hurt her shoulder and couldn't hold a few glasses 

Mr. Johnson" what's wrong?"

Adrian "take these quick"

Mr. Johnson "oh ok"  

Adian " sorry I thought I was going to drop them"

Mr. Johnson " and why would you do that"

Adrain "well I hurt my shoulder yesterday and it felt like it was going to give out."

Mr. Johnson "I see, does this have anything to do with your dad."

Mr. Johnson was the only one that was a little aware of Adrain's situation.

she looked down and nodded. 

Mr. Johnson "ok you don't have to do this I'll do it after class."

Adrain "no that's ok I can still clean them I just can't carry all of them."

 Mr. Johnson "are you sure"

Adrain "yes I'm sure" she said smiling 

class had ended and Adian had just finished cleaning

Mr. Johnson "thank you Adrian for doing that"

Adrain "it was no problem"

Adrain left the room to go sit in an empty classroom forgetting that she was going to sit with Ace 

in the cafeteria Ace was looking around for Adrain 

Emma "hey your that kid that was with Adrain right?"

Ace "um yea"

Emma "I'm Emma what's your name"

Ace "I'm Ace, have you seen Adrain anywhere"

Emma " eww why would you want to see her"

Ace "that's a little mean...have you seen her of not?"

Emma "I haven't seen her but if i were to guess she is probably in a dark empty classroom"

Ace "thanks"

Emma "uh sure whatever"

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