chapter 1

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it was 12:00 pm and the lunch bell rang. everyone was excited that it was time to eat. Adrian on the other hand was not it had been a long day for her she didn't get much sleep last night and just didn't feel like socializing. So, she just stayed in the classroom and laid her head on her desk. But that didn't last long, soon her "friend" walked in.

??? "Hey why aren't you in the lunch room sitting with us huh?"

Adrian "I'm just tired chill out"

??? "I don't care, come on the others are waiting"

Adrian" I have a lot going on and I need some time to myself"

??? " Like I said I don't care get your ass up and moving or do I need to remind you of could happen if you don't"

Adrian "ok ok Emma, I'm going you happy"

Emma "yes"

 your probably wondering "what was that all about??" well, you see a couple months ago there was a history test and Adrian didn't study and she got really overwhelmed with how she was going to do so she cheated, and Emma found out about it and blackmailed her. now Adrian has to do everything that Emma tells her to do, or she'll tell her parents and the last thing Adrain needs is her parents to find out that she cheated.  

there's something else you should know about Emma she has a group of friends that are your stereotypical kind of popular mean girls trio Emma, Trissie, and Vanessa.

when Adrain arrived at the table with Emma right behind her she was immediately met with a demand by Vanessa to go get her a soda.

Adian rolled her before turning around to go get vanessa her soda. 

Adrian grabbed the soda and headed back to give it to Vanessa, but she didn't notice Trissie a couple feet in front of her and when Adrian got close enough Trissie tripped her.

as she fell, she hit the back of her head on a chair and someone else tripped over her.

Adrian just laid there on the ground staring at the ceiling in disbelief she was so sick of being taken advantage of and she was just so done with her life 

after a few seconds she got up and asked the guy that had tripped over her if he was alright and he said he was fine and she helped him up and pick up his book handed it to him and left.

and she was walking to Vanessa she had opened the soda and took a sip and stopped in front of her and poured the soda all over Vanessa.

Adrian "I'm done"

Vanessa " if you quit we'll tell your parents what you did.... do you really think you can face them after they know"

Adrain "whether I can or not is none of your business"

Vanessa "looks like you've made up your mind then"

Adrian "I have"

Adrian threw the soda can at Trissie and walked away.

she didn't know where she was gonna go and didn't really care as she walked through the hallway all she knew was she had to get put of there now

so she left the school and just walked around town just thinking for a couple hours dreading to go home and face her parents 

she looked at her phone it was 5:00 pm she started to head home even tho she didn't want to 

as she approached the front door to the apartment complex she noticed a moving truck at the apartment next to hers she saw a boy and his mom talking to the movers 

Adrian was desperate for anything that could stall time so she walked over to greet them......

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