Chapter Two

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Nico and I pulled a grief-stricken son of Poseidon into the big house. I looked at Nico as Percy tried to take several deep breaths but ended up just having silent tears run down his cheeks. 

I mean what are you supposed to tell the guy who's gone through so much crap to then had to watch his parents die all because he was born. Hey, it's going to be okay Percy, at least Annabeth is still alive! I don't know for how long as half bloods usually don't live very long lives! 

So I did what any person would do, I pulled Percy into a hug while Nico just stared. After a glare Nico also joined into the hug.

Percy hugged us both back and pulled away wiping his tears. 

"Thanks, can we get back out there?" he mumbled. 

"Awwww this is so sweet!" A voice says from behind us. I grab my ring twisting it. Aiming my bow at the intruder.

"Who are you?" Nico growls pulling out his own sword.

"You all wouldn't know who I was even if I told you. But for now you all can call me Master or Lord." Taking a deeper look at this guy he reminded me of Hades. He was in a black cloak and had what looked to be galaxy aura around him. His aura was like a liquid flowing outside of his cloak and onto the ground. Black mist was covering the ground around him and I could hear whispers coming from it. 

All you could see was his eyes underneath the cloak two glowing circles of blue power.

Percy stood up off the couch, "Dude you should leave, I'm in the mood for murder right now. So if you don't want your butt handed to you, you should leave." Nico and I locked eyes. Percy sounded so mentally drained.

"You must be the famous Perseus Jackson." The dark guy said taking a step forward.

"So many memories, so many traumas, and with loyalty as your fatal flaw nonetheless, I'm excited to hear your screams. But first your cousins..." With one long stride forward he reach Nico, without hesitation I fired my bow at him. I stood behind Percy and Nico as they had weapons that were up close attacks as I had distance attacks. 

Every bow shot that went in he hesitated like it hurt but it didn't bother him other then that. But as soon as Nico lifted his knife to attack the guy shot a stream of his dark mist into Nicos face. Nico didn't spend a second standing, as soon as the mist hit him he feel back hitting the couch.  

The villain dude turned his attention to me, Percy stepped in front and raised Riptide. The villain grabbed Riptide with both hands and sent it and Percy flying.

He smiled at me waving his mist at me this time. I watched in slow motion and dived away not wanting to find out why the mist made other pass out. I rolled away but it was too late as he made the gas mist turn into a solid around me. Instead of rolling back onto my feet, I ended up hitting my head on a solid form of the mist. Looking around I notice I was in a cell like area, enough for me to sit and stand in but the mist, even if it looked like it was a gas, was a solid that wouldn't let me pass. 

I watched as Percy looked around the big house, using the water pipes in the big house the living room exploded with water. Percy sent the water over to my cage but water just bounced off the solid form of mist. Percy was going head to head with this dark guy who still hadn't introduced himself. RUDE! 

Percy was getting a lot more strikes into this guy then the guy was giving to him. Percy glanced at me, seeing as I was awake trying to find a way out of this dark cage to help.

"Ideas?" Percy shouted as he continued to fight, "Who is this guy?" 

"I don't know" I shout back knowing full well the dark guy could hear us.

He smiled again as he lets loose darkness from his fingertips going all over the room.

"Shhhh" the guys says out of nowhere as Percy attacks get slower, he looks around the room. "This won't hurt a bit." the guys says laughing. 

I watch as Percy's attacks weaken and his sword hangs loosely at his side. The black mist had moved up to just around his eyes no longer allowing me to see his sea green ones.  

"Percy my dear drop your weapon." The guys says and Percy smiles.

"Mom." He says dropping his weapon and hugs someone that isn't there.

"Oh Percy my boy, I love you." The guys says smiling walking around Percy.

"Wake up Percy! You are in a dream state, Percy wake up!" I scream

"I love you too, mom. How did I get into this field." Percy begins, and I pause as I see a flash of his sea green eyes through the mist shining with power. But just as fast as it came it went away, replaced with the darkest of the mist. 

"Yes Percy start to remember! Percy wake up! What are you doing to him!" I scream desperately as the guy looks at Percy in confusion. 

"This one is very strong..." He mumbles to himself, "Percy hun, how could you." The guy continues as more dark mist circles around Percy.

"What do you mean?" Percy says frowning. 

"You killed me Percy, I'm dead because of you." This guy says. 

Percy takes a step back and then runs forward almost like he is catching someone who isn't there. 

"Mom? What, how, mom!" Percy starts crying, tears run down his face and the guy walks over to him waving his hands. The shadow mists start curling up to Percy and stops at his neck choking him.

"Please Percy wake up, stop it! YOU MONSTER!" I scream kicking at and scratching at my cage. 

Percy falls to the ground, the mist no longer covering his eyes, as he desperately claws at his neck. The guy waves his hands and the shadows stop choking him and Percy takes a deep breath, rattling coughs follow.

He starts walking to me smiling, "Hope you enjoyed the show." He says winking, "Since you were such a great audience I will grant you what you want to know. I am a titan" The cage then collapses and my eyes start to water as I struggle to keep them open. 

The titan stands above me holding me before I go limp. 

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