Stemming Out

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The following day after yesterday's crazy events at the park, Deepak was quick to get his daily morning routines done and head out, a mission in mind. After getting directions from Dante, he had located Elvira and Deidra's home. Both girls were quite happy to let him in and invite him into the living room, and it was just as well, as Deepak wanted to discuss something with the them.

"Meditation and yoga sessions?" Deidra asked, her head tilting in confusion.

"With you?" Elvira finished.

Deepak gave a nod.

"Yes, after what happened yesterday and seeing it's been an anxious time for you to come out of shell, I feel as though if we did sessions together, it can help you feel more at ease and confident." Deepak explained.

Elvira seemed to think on it after he explained, but ultimately looked down at Deidra, who was sitting next to her as they listened and faced Deepak. The decision was really up to her, and Elvira didn't want to pressure her into anything.

"I mean what you did yesterday was.....helpful......., but i've never really done that stuff......before. Deidra admitted.

She looked almost embarrassed.

"Do not worry, i'll teach you, and in no time you'll be an expert." Deepak reassured. "Trust me Deidra, i've been practicing daily for so long that i'm more flexible and calmer than the average dog."

"What's that supposed to mean?" A female voice angrily said.

The group turned around to see another pup entering the room. She looked similar to Elvira, but had light brown fur, was smaller, and different accessories. It was Elvira's younger sister Cleo. Deepak had met her once before, and she was somewhat difficult to get along with due to her temperamental and headstrong personality. Unlike Elvira, she was a sports lover, with a passion that could rival Dolly's.

"Are you saying that us dogs aren't calm? What makes YOU such an expert to make such a statement ?" Cleo asked angrily while pointing at Deepak, as if accusing him.

Deepak was a bit thrown off guard by Cleo's sudden intrusion and defensive attitude. Thankfully Elvira stepped in before Cleo could get up closer to his face.

"How about you just sit down and listen Cleo. This doesn't involve you anyway." Elvira said as she narrowed her eyes at her.

Trying to ignore Cleo to avoid tension, Deepak proceeded to plant his front feet firmly to the ground, using them to support his body as he lifted his back legs off the ground and stretch them forward near his face. Elvira and Cleo moved their eyes off each other and onto Deepak, along with Deidra. Once he noticed their attention was on him, he then stretched his back legs over his head. The girls eyes widen in amazement as Deepak, even Cleo especially, impressed by Deepak's demonstration of strength and flexibility.

"As you can see, Guru Miaow's methods do wonders for one's body and mind, and I believe it could help you, Deidra. Please if you allow me?" Deepak gently asked Deidra, trying to take great care not to pressure her.

She looked pretty mesmerized by his skills. Seeing his determination and seemingly some proof of his claims, Deidra quietly gave it some thought while Deepak waited patiently, but still with some anticipation for her answer. He noticed the uncertainty in her eyes. He had to make sure she could and would be safe.

"And we'll do everything in private, or here if that makes you comfortable. Whatever you feel safer in." Deepak added.

"Just not where i'm practicing or watching sports." Cleo warned.

Deepak frowned a bit at her unhelpful and not exactly supportive attitude, but tried to not acknowledge her. Dante warned him that Cleo could sense if others were judging her. One wrong move and he could expect to get chased out of the house, and a door slam behind him.

"Patience Deepak." He internally reminded himself. "Don't give her attention. Guru Miaow says not to feed one's negative energy."

After a few short minutes of thinking it over and a look of reassurance from Elvira, Deidra gave a smile and nod to Deepak.

"A-Alright, i'll give it....a try." Deidra said.

Deepak felt himself grinning with excitement, and clamped his paws together.

"Splendid. If you give me a few hours, I can prepare for us to start if you wish." Deepak said.

"S-Sure that's fine. I...look forward to it. I'll see you later then?" Deidra asked.

Deepak gave a nod and a reassuring smile that helped Deidra to trust in what he was saying. She smiled and walked away. After she left into her and her sibling's room, Deepak looked back to Elvira and Cleo.

"Do you all trust me to take care of your sister?" Deepak asked.

He wanted to ensure he had their approval.

Cleo scoffed.

"She's a cat, she's not ou-. Ow!"

Cleo was interrupted by a light smack on the back of her head by Elvira, who's glare dared her to finish that sentence. Cleo gave an annoyed eye roll but stayed silent and walked away, much to Deepak's relief.

"I trust you Deepak. You've been good to Deidra since you've first met her. And although Deidra is quiet most of the time, she's tells everyone else in our family how much she enjoys hanging out with you a lot." Elvira admitted.

"Really?!" Deepak said in excitement, tail wagging. Such knowledge gave him much more confidence.

"Absolutely! However I will ask this. While she's still getting more used to going out, please don't go introducing her to others without asking her. I don't want het feeling overwhelmed." Elvira asked.

Deepak's expression became more serious.

"Elvira, I swear by Guru Miaow, I will do my best to make sure Deidra feels safe while in my care. I won't do anything without her consent." Deepak said determinedly.

"Thank you, that's all I needed to hear. I'll meet you with her by the pet spa in a few hours, ok?" Elvira said.

"Perfect, that's plenty of time." Deepak agreed.

He then soon left and hurriedly made his way back home. He felt as though he needed a moment with Guru Miaow. When he got back into the house, he quickly returned to his yoga mat in the bedroom.

"Guru Miaow, I sense as though you have blessed me with a great opportunity. It's as though you have fated me and Deidra to meet. So please I ask you to show me what you feel is best helpful to her." Deepak prayed.

After a moment of silence and meditating, he began searching through his Guru Miaow books and scrolls while looking at his various meditation items and relaxing self-care items to prepare.

He has quite the prepping to do.

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