Withering Threat

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Everyone was holding their breaths. The park seemed to have stood still as Deidra and Roxy's eyes met. Deidra's tiny cut ears lowered and her body tightened as she gazed at the gigantic Rottweiler towering over her, panting so hard that Deidra could feel her hot breath coming down on her face.

"Hello little kitty!" Roxy excitedly greeted in a fairly loud tone.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!" Deidra shrieked, and immediately made a bolt.

The sudden and surprisingly loud scream coming from the small kitten made Roxy recoil back in surprise and confusion. Elvira immediately jumped from the hill towards the scene in a hurry.

"Deidra wait, just calm down!" Deepak attempted to reassure.

But his calls fell on deaf ears as Deidra looked for an escape route, running away from the hill in a panic. Roxy after overcoming the shock from Deidra's screams, seemed to understand the situation and chased after Deidra.

"Wait, where are you going!? It's ok!" Roxy exclaims, as she followed after her.

Deepak also attempted to follow, watching Deidra try to run off, but her tiny legs that were trying to trip on themselves and obviously struggling against Roxy's powerful legs, and claws. Before Roxy could catch up, she hit her one of her front legs in a small hole, and stumbled. Roxy stopped herself briefly to regain balance, with Deidra taking the opportunity to find a place to hide.

Very difficult when you were out in wide open grass.

Roxy was again steady on her feet and continued after Deidra, with Deepak attempting to call out to her.

"Roxy please, you're making Deid-"

Before he could finish, Elvira ran past him in an attempt to get to Deidra first. It was the most horrified she ever looked.

"Roxy! Please stop!" Elvira shouted

Dante eventually ran after her to help. Dolly tried to follow, however she was stopped by Dylan grabbing hold of her back leg tightly and giving her a seriously stern look to warn her not to get involved.

"No, you've done enough." Dylan said angrily.

Dolly was so take aback by his glare that she actually heeded his warning, and make no further attempt to move.

Deidra kept running but she was unstable on her feet and growing tired, this time she to tripped and stumbled across the grass, almost falling face first in the ground and in front a large rock. Shakily she pulled herself up, trying to catch her breath and groaning, and felt a huge presence rising above her. Looking up, her eyes widen at Roxy who looked down at her. Deidra's heart pounded hard.

"P-Ple.....Please." Deidra tried pleading, but her fear and exhaustion meant she could get no more words out. She shook hard.

Roxy made a sudden transition into a playful posture, lowering her head further down to Deidra's level. The sudden movement made Deidra crouch down in fear, her fur fluffing up. Elvira, Deepak and Dante eventually caught up to the two. Elvira tried to slowly approach, hoping to calm the situation down and not cause any more stress by suddenly trying to pull Deidra away, fearing it might cause tension.

"Roxy can you please relax." Elvira asked, her tone trying to be calm, but still hinted worry.

But Roxy was so overexcited and fixated on Deidra in a eager attempt to befriend her that she didn't hear her. She seemed to understand Deidra's fear, but failed to understand that her overly friendly nature was giving Deidra the wrong idea.

"Hey, nothing to worry about, I just wanna play, that's all." Roxy said a bit loudly while smilingly widely at Deidra.

But Deidra's mind was elsewhere and was focused on the sight of Roxy's large fangs on full display, tongue sticking out, and eyes zoomed in on her, only able to focus on a few of her words.

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