Chapter 20 - Snowy Night

Start from the beginning

It wasn’t a question but more like permission being granted. Once Xu Bai Chuan heard that Tang Jin was hospitalized, his heart dropped and he wanted to ask for details, but he dispelled this idea when he detected Song Yi Yu’s tone— There was no need to obtain permission from Song Yi Yu if he wanted to see Tang Jin. Besides, he didn’t want to go.

Wisps of cool air seeping in from the small opening of the curtains were quickly engulfed by the warmth inside the room. Xu Bai Chuan took a look at the time and saw that it was 1:57 a.m., nearing 2 a.m. He refused, “It’s too late, I’m not going.”

Clearly not expecting to be turned down, Song Yi Yu momentarily paused before continuing. “You’re not asking why?”

Xu Bai Chuan: “It shouldn’t be that serious, otherwise you wouldn’t be this calm.”

For a long time, no sound emitted from the phone and the screen soon became black. It turned out that this Young Master Song had hung up.

Xu Bai Chuan thought: “Crazy.” He was no longer in the mood to go back to sleep. Luckily it was Saturday tomorrow, or else he definitely couldn’t have woken up.

From the moment when he woke up, he felt that the air outside the window today was particularly glacial. After wearing slippers and leaving the bed, he walked over to the window and pulled the curtains open. A snow-white scenery entered his sight.

It was snowing.

As a Northerner, snow was a common occurrence for Xu Bai Chuan since long ago. The snow was not a rare thing for him, so he couldn’t understand a scene described in this book written by a Taiwanese author he read when he was a child. It portrayed everyone celebrating together as the snow floated down. When it came to him, he feared the cold and thus wasn’t too fond of snow.

Opening the window, he saw several men and women downstairs who stayed awake and were busily building snowmen in the middle of the night. Xu Bai Chuan lamented over how young people were truly foolish while feeling a sense of intimacy as he faced the snowfall. It was like his relatives and friends came to see him on this starry night.

Xu Bai Chuan was joyous: ‘It’s not the Lunar New Year or a festival. You must be rather weary from taking a trip here. I cannot invite you in to drink a cup of hot tea, so I’ll just drink it in your stead.’

Putting on a courteous front, he hurriedly drew all the window curtains and turned around to embrace the warmth immersed in the room. Then he left the bedroom, headed over to the kitchen to boil water and skimmed over the club’s group chat. The young ladies on night duty were currently vibrantly discussing the snow with those other night owls. As the electric kettle was steaming and emitting a bubbling noise, he had yet to look through all the 300+ messages when the interface suddenly switched to an incoming call.

0472, Song Yi Yu again.

He hung up without the slightest hesitation and after reading through the chat history, was overcome with boredom so he looked at his friends’ moments.² The latest one was from Luo Junyu. It was a picture of a chicken running too fast which caused the background to be blurred.
[T/N: (2) Feature on WeChat. Equivalent to Instagram stories or Facebook posts.]

Text: “Nobody stop me. I’m going outside to build a snowman!”

Tsk tsk tsk. He didn’t expect that a usually bright and beautiful person had secretly never seen snow or owned a cat.

Perhaps there was a Luo Junyu amongst those building snowmen.

Right at this moment, a text message popped up on his screen without warning: 【Tang Jin’s hospitalized because of gastric bleeding. He is currently refusing the IV. Can you come over?】

Gastric bleeding? Xu Bai Chuan became blank.

When Song Yi Yu’s call came through this time, he didn’t hang up. After connecting the call, he asked, “What’s going on?”

Song Yi Yu: “The doctor said he drank too much.”

Tang Jin called him from a bar last night. Could it be that he drank until now?

Song Yi Yu: “Can you come over?” He spoke stiffly as if he wasn’t used to requesting things from others.

There was a split second when he was about to agree without a second thought. Fortunately, he remembered his place in time and said, “No. I already have nothing to do with him. You’re there and I trust you to take care of him well.”

Song Yi Yu finally lost his cool as he raised his voice. “Didn’t you hear that he refused the IV?”

Xu Bai Chuan: “I’m not a doctor, I can’t help him. He’s the one refusing the IV. Are you saying that if I go see him, he’ll accept it?”

Song Yi Yu: “…”

Xu Bai Chuan continued, “Besides, I’m in H city and you’re in B city. I don’t know whether there are any scheduled flights right now. Even if there were—”

Song Yi Yu: “It’s snowing so heavily. There won’t be any.”

Xu Bai Chuan abruptly paused. How does Song Yi Yu know that it’s snowing heavily in H city?

In the next moment, he heard Song Yi Yu say, “We’re in H city.”

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