4-Kelly Pt 1

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I'm not sure what it is about her that makes me feel this way. Everything from her hair, her eyes , her personality , attracts me. It makes me want to get to know everything about her.

The truth is , since the apocalypse started, I haven't even thought about finding love or being with someone. Partially because I didn't think it would be possible but also partially because I didn't think anyone would like me back. I mean why would they? The untamed, frizzy mess on my head and my not so in shape body don't really give me much to work with. The only thing I got going for me is my blue eyes.

Me and Kelly have talked before but not much since she's always with Connie. I can't lie Connie sometimes scares me, so I guess that's my excuse for not talking to Kelly that much. Who am I kidding? I'm just too scared to talk to her , I'm not sure why though. Possibly because of how attractive I find her, I wouldn't want to embarrass myself in front of her in any way.

But today's the day, I've decided imma go and make a move on her. However scary that ,may be, I will do it, and if I get rejected I'll just leave Hilltop and go back to Alexandria - where Michonne's said I'm always welcome.

It's a nice sunny day , the sun burning brightly on my back as I make my way across the field. I see Kelly working on something that I couldn't quite make out.

"Hey Kelly," I say with a smile on my face as I approach her. "Hey y/n what's up?" she says returning a smile. Oh gosh, her smile , it's so pretty. She's so pretty. "Nothing much , actually just came to tell you something" I say in a lower voice, "Well go on then," she says expectantly.

I take a deep breath before saying "IkindahaveacrushonyoubutIwastooscaredtotellyou,sowouldyouliketogoonadatewithmetonight"

Kelly drops whatever she was holding in her hand and comes closer to me. She places a gentle yet stern hand under my chin lifting it up, making me look in her gorgeous, chocolatey brown eyes. "Take a deep breath , and say all of that again, slower" she says as she drops her hand from my face.

I'm not sure what flicks inside of me, but all of that courage that I had earlier has officially gone, disappeared, kapoofed.

"You know what, it doesn't matter, forget I said anything" I say as I turn around to go, but before I get a chance to , Kelly grabs my hand and pulls me back. Of course being as clumsy as I am, I trip and stumble into her, my other hand landing on her chest. Hyperaware of the fact that if I leaned any closer our lips would meet. I manage to regain my balance standing up straight, out hands still entwined, a slight blush adorning my face. "No tell me," she says. "I like you Kelly, and not just as friends," I take a deep breath and continue on once I see no sign of rejection on her face " and I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me, tonight" I finish saying avoiding eye contact with her a slight tremble rising in my other hand as I await for her response.

"Y/n, look at me " she says in a soft voice as I look up once again a small smile is now on her face, " I would love to go out with you tonight" she says.

My face lights up, a smile now corrupting my face. I might have gotten a tad too excited, since I pull my hand away from hers and practically jump into her arms, my arms draped around her neck while hers quickly wrap around my waist with a small laugh. I leg go "See you later Kel," I say smiling. "See you later Y/n," she says smiling back.

"Oh and Y/n.." she says calling out before I go too far, I wait expectantly for what she would say next " I like you too" she says while shooting me a wink, before she turns back to work and I walk away with the biggest grin on my face.

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