Chapter 14 Wrong Pillow

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Danielle's POV

"Mmm... feels nice," I sighed softly, hugging the pillow even tighter. It was the best pillow I had ever hugged, and I was surprised by how comfortable it was.

I found myself feeling completely relaxed and at ease, as if I had been transported to a world of pure comfort and relaxation. The soft texture of the pillow was a sensory delight, and I reveled in the feeling of being surrounded by its warmth and softness.

It was as though I had found my own personal slice of heaven, and I was unable to escape the sense of peace and contentment that the pillow provided..wait is this even pillow?

As I drifted off to sleep, I was suddenly jerked back to reality by the sound of a raspy morning voice. "You're awake?" the voice asked, and I opened my eyes wide with surprise.

I jumped slightly and let out high pitched gasped , breaking contact with Haerin and releasing my hold on her. I had been wrapped around her for who knows how long, and the sudden realization of my actions only served to further confuse me.

As I sat up straight, my heart racing, I wondered just how long I had been hugging Haerin, and what the implications of this were. I couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and nervous as I tried to take stock of the moment.

I felt completely out of my element, but was determined to figure out what had just happened.

"H-How long... h-have I been doing this?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly with nerves. I began to feel my cheeks flushing with embarrassment as the realization of my actions sank in.

she simply shook her head slowly and spoke in a throaty voice. "Every hour," she stated, and the weight of my embarrassment only seemed to double. I felt like I wanted to curl up and disappear, unable to face the fact that I had been cuddling with Haerin for so long.

I couldn't believe that I had been holding Haerin for so long, and the sense of shame that washed over me was almost overwhelming.

As I stood up, she gripped my wrist and I realized that Haerin wasn't willing to let me leave without facing the consequences of my actions.

"Where do you think you can go? you should pay back," she declared, her voice filled with a hint of a challenge.

As I attempted to pull away from Haerin's grip, feeling the shame of my actions weigh heavily on me, I tried to utter an apology or explanation, but my heart refused to let the words out.

Feeling a mix of emotions, I flinched slightly as Haerin's response took me by surprise. "What do you mean payback?" I asked, feeling a lump form in my throat.

My heartbeat quickened as I wondered what kind of consequences I would have to face for my actions. To my dismay, Haerin didn't seem to be in a forgiving mood.

Without any hesitation, she grabbed my arms and pulled me backwards, before wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug from behind. I felt completely helpless and powerless, unable to move a muscle.

All I could do was sit there and endure the embrace, feeling the sense of dread that had been building inside of me wash over me completely.

It was all I could do to keep my breathing steady and my heartbeat under control, as I struggled to make sense of the situation.

Feeling a mix of emotions, I was caught completely off-guard when Haerin suddenly pulled me close and wrapped her arms around me.

My heart rate shot through the roof, my chest tight with nervousness as I felt her arms wrap tightly around my waist.

"Wh-what are you doing, Haerin?" I asked in a shaky voice, feeling both confused and a bit nervous.

The sudden and intense hug had completely overwhelmed me, making it difficult for me to form a coherent thought.

Feeling completely overwhelmed by the situation, I was at a loss for words as Haerin explained why she had suddenly hugged me. "I don't get enough sleep while you keep hugging me when I was asleep," she stated, her voice sounding slightly strained.

"This is called payback for what you have done." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Feeling a mix of emotions, I began to relax slowly as Haerin's hold finally loosened a bit. "But you should go to your office, right?" I asked in a small voice, feeling a bit embarrassed for having brought up the subject in the first place.

To my surprise, Haerin simply replied with a sleepy voice, "I don't mind that, I'll have an off day today. You're even making me sleepy now."

Feeling my heart rate finally begin to slow back to a normal pace, I couldn't help but feel a small sense of relief.

It was clear that Haerin wasn't angry at me, and in fact was feeling quite content in my embrace.

Though it was a bit of an unexpected situation, I was grateful for the quiet moments we had spent together, allowing me to process my emotions and come to terms with the unexpected turn of events.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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