Chapter 1 Something Important

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Author's POV

Haerin is a cold-hearted person who doesn't understand love because she has never fallen in love before. One day, something unexpected happens.

Haerin's POV

I heard something ringing and realized it was my phone. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the phone screen, which read 'Mom'. I then picked up the phone call.

"Oh ! my dear child, good morning sweetheart. Mom wants to tell you something that you will definitely like! But it will be a surprise for you, so make sure you come to mom's house after you finish working. Okay, dear? Love you." Mommy hangs up before i could say anything.

I was confused and let out a heavy sigh, ''What did mom say just now? Whatever." I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to clean myself.


Haerin's POV

After completing my work for the day, I drove to my mother's residence. It took me approximately an hour to get there from the office.

Upon arriving at the front gate, I noticed that it opened automatically. I parked my luxury car in front of the door and handed the car keys to a butler who was waiting for me.

As I entered the mansion, I was immediately struck by the same atmosphere that I had experienced there before. The aroma of wealth and the sense of serenity within the walls of this beautiful estate were both still present.

However, my calm was temporarily disrupted when my younger sister embraced me in a tight hug.

"Unnie! I've missed you so much! Let me give you a hug, we haven't met in ages!" she said in a dramatic and bubbly tone before tightly hugging me.

"We met last week, idiot," I replied in a cold tone, gently pushing her away.

I then walked to the dining table with my younger sister, Hyein, and took my seat.

As we waited for our mother and father to arrive, I felt a sense of anxiety and unease knowing that they were about to present me with a life-changing proposition.

While we waited for our parents to arrive, I turned to Hyein and asked some unrelated questions to pass the time.

"Hyein, have you ever fallen in love before?" I chimed, curious to hear what her answer would be. I stared at her with my cat-like eyes.

As we continued our conversation, my younger sister suddenly burst out laughing when the subject of love was brought up.

"Why are you suddenly asking me about love?" she giggled and made fun of me.

I grew frustrated and replied with an irritated tone, "quit making fun of me and answer my question" I stared at her with an annoyed expression, waiting for her reply.

Instead of taking me seriously, my sister continued to joke around.

"Okay, okay, calm down. Well, of course I have. When I was 16, I had my first love. But everything changed when the person I loved the most rejected me." She pretended to cry while laughing sarcastically.

"But I didn't care at all, because love is fake! Just kidding. But I miss feeling those feelings again," she admitted, still joking around.

We were still chatting when our parents finally arrived, and the mood suddenly shifted as we prepared for what was sure to be a difficult conversation.

As my mother kissed my forehead and then Hyein's, she said, "Aww, our dear children! I'm sorry for making you wait for us."

I replied with a soft smile and a gentle tone, "It's fine,Mom."

My little sister saw an opportunity to tease me and cried, "Ewww, are you smiling? I've never seen you smiling before!"

I rolled my eyes at her and our parents took their seats.

"Well, Haerin, our beloved daughter! We have some good news for you!" my dad said with a hint of excitement in his voice, a smile on his face.

To be continued...

Unexpected Love - Daerinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن