Chapter 2 News

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Haerin's POV

I looked at my dad, who was beaming with excitement as he prepared to share some big news with me. With a smile on my face, I asked, "What is it, Dad?"

"You're going to get married !

I was speechless. My heart raced, and I felt a sense of uncertainty and unease wash over me.

I wanted to scream, but I couldn't find the words to express my emotions.

"Are you joking with me...Dad?" I asked in a calm and measured tone. My parents laughed and said, "Oh sweetie, we asked you to come here for a serious reason. It's not a joke. This is a big moment in your life, and we're excited for you!"

My parents' joy was palpable, but Hyein and I were still in shock. "Mom? Dad? You're serious about this?" Hyein asked, mirroring my own unease.

My father took a deep breath and said, "Yes, we're serious. It's a great opportunity for you to find love and happiness. We've chosen the perfect person for you, and we believe they'll make you happy."

My mom added, "You'll have a partner for life, someone who'll always be by your side and support you. It's an exciting new chapter for you, Haerin. We have the highest hopes for you."

As I spoke, I tried to keep my voice calm and steady. I wanted my parents to take me seriously, but I also didn't want to come across as angry or disrespectful.

"I'm not ready for marriage yet", my tone firm but not aggressive. "And I don't even know who I'm going to marry!"

I could see the concern etched on my parents' faces, and I felt a twinge of guilt for causing them so much worry. But I also knew that I needed to be honest with them and share my feelings.

After gathering my courage for a moment, I continued.

"Mom, Da-d.. I appreciate everything you've done for me, and I know you have the best intentions for me. But marriage is a huge decision, and I don't want to rush into anything before I'm ready. Can we please take more time to think about this and figure out what's best for me?"

My parents' happiness quickly turned to concern as they realized that I was not as excited about this as they were.

"Haerin, my dear, we understand that you're not ready yet, but this is an opportunity to find love and happiness."

"We chose the perfect person for you, and we have full faith that you'll be happy with her," my mom said, trying to comfort me. "Just give it a chance, please?"

I sighed deeply, still feeling unsure about all of this.

"I don't know, Mom. This is all happening so fast..I'm not sure I'm ready to get married. Can we at least wait a little while before making a decision?"

My dad nodded, understanding my need for more time to process this news. "Yes, of course, Haerin. We understand that this is a big decision, and we don't want to force you into anything you're not comfortable with. We'll give you some time to think about it."

I let out a soft sigh and nodded as I spoke to my parents.

"Thank you, Dad and Mom, for understanding. I appreciate your support."

My mom hugged me for comfort and said, "It's okay, sweetheart. We're hoping you're not too stressed over this. But I hope so much that you'll accept this. Your mom and dad didn't want you to be lonely as you grow older."

"We're worried about you, and that's why we're going to marry you with the person we choose," mom said with a sweet and comforting tone to try to ease my nerves.

I hugged my mother back, feeling grateful for her understanding and support.

"Thank you, Mom. I appreciate your support, and I know you and Dad are only looking out for my best interests. I promise to take some time to think about it," I said with a small smile.

My dad put a hand on my shoulder, patting it reassuringly. "We just want what's best for you, Haerin," he said.

"We understand that this is a big decision, and we don't want to force you into anything you're not comfortable with."

"But we also don't want you to be lonely and end up with the wrong person."

As they spoke, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. It was good to know that my parents cared so much about me, and that they wanted to see me happy and fulfilled in life.

I knew I would need to take some time to consider their proposal, but I also felt grateful for their understanding and support.

Hyein added, "This is a dramatic scene I've seen! Let me join you guys for a hug!"

As she came close to hug me and my mom, I let out a dramatic sigh and rolled my eyes, annoyed at my sister's antics but unable to resist her embrace.

I sighed in relief when the group hug finally broke apart. Despite my annoyance with my sister's meddling, I still loved her and was relieved to have some time to myself to reflect on the news I had just received.

I looked around and realized that my parents and Hyein were waiting for me to say something.

"Yeah, sorry guys. This news is just a lot to take in," I said, my voice shaking slightly with emotion. "I'm not sure what to say. I just need some time to think about this and figure out what I really want."

"It's okay, we're giving you one week to think and decide about it," my mom said, patting me on the back.

I nodded and smiled at her. "Alright, I'm going back to my home right now. I still have a lot of work to complete," I said, trying to sound confident and positive. Despite my nervous and uncertain feelings about the situation, I was determined to make the best decision for myself and not let anyone rush me into anything I wasn't ready for.

As I said my goodbyes to my family, I took a deep breath and tried to shake off the nerves and emotions that were still lingering from our earlier conversation.

I knew that I had a big decision to make, and that I would need to carefully consider all of my options before making a final choice. But for now, I was relieved to have some time to think and figure out what was best for me. I hoped that by the end of the week, I would have enough clarity to make a decision that I could be comfortable with.

To be continued...

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