Something Strange

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It's 3 AM, the chill of the moonlit night has officially settled in and Toji is now ready to embark on his weekly journey.

Deep into the woods there lies a cabin, which normally wouldn't cause for too much suspicion, but that's the point. It's what lies beneath that is its true purpose.

Neon lights, exotic dancers, drugs, and so much more happens here.

"Where's Bara?" He asks one of the club goers, but they're too intoxicated to answer. One of the girls lazily points to a sectioned off part of the floor and he heads the immediately.

"I'm so tired of having to come here," he thinks to himself. He manages to find her entourage and it never fails to amaze him how someone no older that 15-16 years old could accumulate an empire as massive as hers is. Truly an evil little girl.

"You got my money?" She demands. He fiddles in his pocket and pulls out the fifty dollars you've given him over the last two days and hands them over to one of her guys.

"Fifty-fucking-dollars? You showed your face here with fifty-fucking-bucks?"

"Don't go busting my balls, you know it's not easy for me," he says rolling his eyes.

"With a face like that you could get anything you want, Toji. Who the hell gave you the money?" She says as if she knows what she's talking about.

Standing up she saunters over to him, blowing the smoke from her cigar into his face, he doesn't flinch, but is clearly annoyed. He looks around waiting to be dismissed, it's late and he needs to find some place to crash for the night.

"So can I go?" He asks impatiently, his right hand endlessly tapping thigh. He's getting impatient.

But she has other plans.

"Ya know... there is something you can do for me to... settle your debt a bit faster," she says with a smug look on her face. He's hesitant at first, but he gives in.

A poor man always gives in.

"What is it?" He says dryly, but soon his expression changes as she whispers her request. One guy grabs his shoulder and begins directing Toji down another set of black coated metal stairs. Nobara follows closely behind, making his transition is smooth.

Once they reach the room the door opens, everything is decked out in cherry-red, velvet furniture with silver accents, the rich smell of leather and latex fill the room, along with a hint of cologne and cigar smoke.

"You can leave him with me," a sultry voice speaks out. The doors quickly close behind him and Bara, along with her gentlemen have disappeared. Toji isn't necessarily nervous, but the energy is unsettling. The man still hasn't appeared before him, it seems as though he's preparing in the bathroom.

"So... what should I do?" Toji calls out, trying to get a feel of the situation.

"You can just... sit on the couch, I'll be right out," he does just that and within five minutes of time, the bathroom door shuts. A tall man with a slender build, stark white hair, and seemingly glowing blue eyes is standing before him. Scalpel in his left hand, and cuffs in his right.

"Your pick."


Your clenched fist is merely inches away from Maki's door. You're hesitant, but just as you're about to knock, she opens the door.

"Hey..." she says, stepping aside to let you back into the house. You walk a few feet into the foyer and then turn around to face her, arms crossed tightly abasing your chest.

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