Chapter 5- Spotlight Shifting

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Present Day

it was the next day and we see Izuku waking up. Sitting up in his bed he groggily rubbed his eyes making the sleepiness they once had disappear. After feeling the sleepiness he had disappeared he went to his bathroom to freshen up to get ready for the day ahead having the foreboding feeling that to would not be a good day but one that would annoy him immensely.

Pushing those feelings to the back of his mind he continued to get ready for the day, after he was finished in the bathroom he got dressed in his school uniform picked up his bag, and headed to his bedroom door exiting it and started to descend the stairs ready to start the day, upon arriving downstairs he heard the chatter of his 'family' not wanting to be noticed by them not that he would be any way he  headed towards the kitchen to get some toast to go not wanting to spend more time than needed in the place that was supposed to be his home a place where you were supposed to feel loved and wanted but instead of that he was neglected and ignored. 

After getting his toast Izuku headed strait for the door not even sparing the occupants of the room a glance before leaving, little did he know that one person out of the three people in the room paid attention to him the whole time he was there staying silent feeling to guilty to tell him a thing and just watched him until he left.

Izuka POV

As Izuka sat down and started having breakfast with her parents, a heavy weight settled in her chest. The clatter of utensils against plates seemed louder today as if amplifying the turmoil within her. Memories of her and her brother's childhood flooded her mind, memories she wished she could erase. She couldn't help but feel a pang of remorse as she recalled the times she had tormented her brother believing it was the only way to do something she cant remember for the life of her unaware of the lasting impact her actions had left on him. The teasing, the taunts the physical abuse too—all done in the innocence of youth, or so she  thought.

As she observed Izuku from her perch on the table, she tuned out the chatter of her parents and the clinking of utensils against plates. His once bright and lively eyes now carried a haunting coldness, a stark contrast that pricked at her conscience with a wave of guilt she couldn't easily shake. She longed to bridge the gap that was formed between them, to offer heartfelt apologies for every hurtful word and cruel action she had inflicted upon him. However, when she tried to speak, the words felt like lead in her throat, stifled by the heavy burden of regret.

But then, something ignited within her an ember of determination that quickly blossomed into a blazing desire to right her wrongs. She felt a surge of determination to make amends, to heal the pain she knew she had caused him, but little did she know by time she had built up enough determination and courage to apologise to him it would be to late

Izuku POV

As I walked down the street towards my school, my mind buzzed with the plan I was about to execute later that day.

Izuku: 'Finally, I'll be away from those people and free of them. Even with all my patience, the constant feeling of being ignored for my own sibling and parents gets annoying over time.'

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash nearby. Curiosity piqued, I hurried towards the source of the sound, finding a crowd gathering and fueling my interest even more. Pushing through the onlookers, I reached the front, greeted by the sight of Kamui Woods engaged in battle with a villain possessing with what seemed like a gigantification quirk. The crowd cheered for Kamui Woods, urging him to defeat the villain.

Just as Kamui Woods was about to unleash his special move, a loud thumping sound echoed. Out of nowhere, a blur of purple and light cream shot past Kamui, crashing into the villain yelling something among the line of canyon cannon sending them tumbling to the ground, the villain being unconscious. The crowd gasped in surprise at this unexpected turn of events.

looking in the direction where the blur shot toward I was met with sight of a female hero who was the blur that took down the villain. She then introduced her self while also showing he rear to the small crowd of cameramen that was taking pictures of her. Sighing because of the ridiculousness of what i was seeing i made my way out of the crowd and back on my way to school i then thought to my self

Izuku: ' That was a waste of time I should just go toward the school and forgot about what i saw, anyway I'm getting a bad feeling I should just hurry up with the day and execute my plan

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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