Chapter 4 -almost dying

Start from the beginning

>>>>>>>>>> time skip >>>>>>>>>>

When I woke up, I felt like my lungs were burning. I couldn't breath. I opened my eyes and saw no-one.

But something was in my mouth, I tried to take it out. But my hand didn't want to move. Just then my whole family came into the room. Doctors too.

A doctor came and pulled-whatever was in my mouth-out. When it was finally out, I felt like I could breath again.

The doctors left and my dad came to my side and said comforting words.

Salvatore Pov

Right now I'm at one of my legal business, all my sons are doing their own things. Giovanni and Marcello are busy with mafia work, and so Camilla is alone at the house.

I just hope she's ok there all alone.

While I was busy, I got a call, from our personal doctor. Why, is he calling me?

But I answered, "Hello, yes, why are you calling me?"I ask and in his voice he seems stressed. "Sir, Camilla is here, some boy brought her in, and said she was struggling to breath, in other words, she was close to dying, you have to come sir."he said everything in one breath.


I immediately call all my sons and tell them that we will all meet each other at the hospital. So I speed to the hospital.

I got there in 10 minutes and when I got into the hospital our private doctor immediately came to me and said she is in surgery. A while later, all my sons arrive, and also a girl that looks Camilla's age.

It's probably her friend-Flora-. "Papa, what's wrong, is she OK, is she out yet, can we see her?"Santino asks, not caring whoever is around him anymore.

He acts as if he hates her, but in reality he just doesn't want to get attached again, so he acts as if he hates her.

"She is still in the ICU, she'll be out soon, don't worry, we'll do everything we can."our personal doctor answers before I can and they all sit down.

Flora jer best friend, looks like he zoned out, and I immediately see tears in her eyes. I know I don't know her, but I have this feeling that I can trust her around my daughter.

So I walked to her, and she looked at me, and she started sobbing. I hug her and she tense at first but then she hugs me back and she cries.

"Hey, it's ok, she's strong."I say and she chuckles lightly and says, "I know she is."and I also chuckle after she says that.

We were all sitting here fir a while till the doctor came and said she is out and back in a normal room. "Can we go see he-"we were all cut off with a loud beeping noise coming from Camilla's room. The doctors immediately go to her room and they told us to stay outside.

We were all panicked, cuz we didn't know ow what was wrong, then a nurse said we can go in and we did, immediately.

We saw our doctor pull a tube out her throat. That is probably why there was a beeping sound. Once the tube was out her eyes immediately opened and the doctors left.

I went to her side and she immediately started crying. Sobbing. I keep holding.

I kept saying soothing words to her while my sons and Flora just stand there, all looking pained seeing this, they all look sad, angry, pained.

After a while her cries stop and she goes away from the hug. "Hey what happened?"I ask once she calmed down and sit on her bed holding her hand.

"You're 'all' gonna be mad at me."she says getting tears in her eyes again and I say, " hey no-one is gonna be mad."I say and she nods.

"I went to the underground because u had some anger inside of me and I had to cope someway. And m-my ribs weren't better, and I didn't thinks anything about it, before u had my fight it was hard to breath, and-"she says but Giovanni stops her, by hugging her.

"It ok, don't worry we're not mad babygirl."Gio says and Flora finally steps into view and gio stops hugging Cami, and Flora walks to Cami.

"Hey, it's ok, but please never go without me, I wanna see you win."Flora says and Cami laughs, for the firt time till she was in the hospital.

"Fine, fine."then our personal doctor came into the room and said Cami can go home now.

We all got into the car and went home. Today was a lot, but the only thing I'm glad about is that my little baby is alive, and she will finally be happy, I can feel it.

And its also gonna be the mafia ball in 2 months, or less, let's hope that goes well too.

1515 words


OK finally done with this chapter.
Tell me what you guys think of it, and please do give me ideas.

Next chapter will have over 2000 words again.

Next chapter...whenever.

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