Karunika and Bheem opened their arms, as everyone ran in for a hug. They had established dharm. All was well..... Or was it?


" This is my curse! Vasudev Krishn! " Yelled a heartbroken Gandhari as the preservor of the universe stood by, watching as she decided the end of his own clan.

" Mata Gandhari? " Karunika whispered, as she ran up the hill, when hearing that Krishn had gone to meet Mata Gandhari. Everyone knew she was very vulnerable.

Karunika's worries were proven true as she cursed Krishn.

" You! You are just as much as worthy of my anger! You could have forgiven my sons. You should have been the elder. The forgiving one and you didn't do so either? Your brothers were the ones who put you up on the bet that day in the sabha and my sons were punished for it? They are all worthless. The six Kaunteys are worthless-"

" Maharani Gandhari! I would have listened to every word you say about me. My faults my anger. I would have said nothing. But calling my own brothers worthless-"

" Yes! They are worthless. Ones who couldn't defend their sister are worthless-"

" Atleast they didn't kill my child in my womb! " She yelled back, as a struck Gandhari looked at her in horror.

" Your child? "

" Yes Mata. My child. Your sons. The first day we came here, they poisoned my brother. I forgave them. They planned to light us on fire I forgave then. But do you know? Your sons killed my first child in my own womb? You are crying for your hundred sons. I understand that pain. You lost your child just like I did. But at least yours had a chance at life! Mine didn't get that! Yours had the love of their mother, father, brothers, wives children and all the relations in the world. Mine died, not knowing how loved she would be. You claim to say I should have forgiven them? I did offer! I proposed peace before the war! My brother was shackled by your sons! A peace messenger! The day Gandharaj began to lure them to adharm you couldn't stop them? You claim to say I forgave my brothers! I had cut all my ties with them that day in the sabha.  Till day they are unable to meet my gaze out of their own guilt. Could your sons bring back my daughter? Could they? " Karunika yelled back, now purely angry.

" Jyeshtha. Mata Lakshmi's words-"

" Maun Krishn! "

Keshav had to step back, fearing what would happen now.

" Mata Gandhari, rather I should be the one angry at you! You are the reason my Mata, my brothers my husband, my children everyone I have known and loved has suffered. You are talking about the root of your problems as me and my brothers. You are mine! You are the woman who gave birth to the ones who killed my daughter. "

" Jyeshtha. It is not kind to be neglecting of a mother's pain. Calm down. " Keshav said sternly, as he kept his hands on her shoulder, calming her down.

Mata Gandhari was shook. She couldn't believe how much her anger had hidden from her. How much it had blinded her.

" Krishn. Please forgive me. I don't know what I said. I am really really sor-" She said, falling  down, hands joint as she weeped. She weeped for her sons, the fate of her family, her anger, her life. The one she had made a tapasya had been destroyed by her own sons.

" Mata. I am your enemy. But I am also your friend. It's how life is Mata. I am your son too. Don't ask for forgiveness. " He said, opening her hands and holding her as she cried.

Gandhari devi finally looked up at Karunika and said, " Putri. Please forgive me. I couldn't control my anger. I -"

" Nahi mata. I am sorry. I hurt you in my anger. I never meant to. We should let this pass. We are off towards a new future now. One defined by dharm and purity. One full of love, compassion and forgiveness. " She said, sitting down next to her, hands joint.


Yep... A bit of rage from physics exam is out here 😂

I hope you enjoyed. Share your opinions in the comments. Just like the war couldn't be avoided, so couldn't Krishn ji's curse.

That is one thing we must all admit. This war was integral for Bharatvstsh to grow as a country and we did..

We crossed 900 peeps. No better gift to me after three hours of physics. We shall get to 100 soon ❤

Give as much love to the second book too please. I value your votes and comments.

Much love

Radhekrishn ❤

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