Can You Be Good to Me? I-zoro 🍋

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Zoro x reader

Synopsis: You love Luffy. Zoro has been in love with you. You end up with zoro, but he sees your yearning for your guys captain, and yet those lustful nights continue with his endearing need for you growing and your love growing for him. What is it that happened?


It didn't start with him. Yet, hell burned down your heart and you knew it would happen when you heard his voice say those three words. And it did happened.

Your fates crossed the day you got thrown off a job. Never did you know you'd become a pirate. Not any pirate, but a pirate from the straw hat pirates. The most feared crew of the East blue, with a captain so powerful that could defy the world and aimed to be future king of the pirates.

Your name was (Pirate name). The cruelest crew member of the straw hat pirates. Most feared to die at hands of your swords. Most knew you left a path of death for those who fell in your charms. You represented death and power. Everyone hunted you, and everyone died. That was the name you built as a pirate.

But all started in one island, and the want of a stubborn boy. It all had a beginning.

An afternoon, of cold breeze but warm light. A loud commotion echoed throughout an island. It was a usual day. Nothing new.

"UOUF" you laid there as you got thrown off a bar into the dirt. You stared at the sky for a second thinking the weather was nice.

Across your sight stared a man of round funny looking face and round black eyes. He had a scar beneath his left eye and he stared at you curiously as he kept passing by along with a young man of light green hair, tan skin, and bearer of three swords.

You had caught Luffy's attention the moment he saw you. Even more when he kept bumping into you around the village. Finding you amazing when he caught glimpse of you defending yourself by banging a guitar into the head of your mean "friends". You had laughed playfully enjoying your fight with your knife and he simply thought it cool! And within him he wanted to keep bumping across you. Finding it funny when you two found each other again at almost each part of town. Without one word but his eyes on you each time he passed. Luffy kept his path, and so did you, unaware of him.

Yet, you two sat beside each other at a restaurant without awareness of one another.

As you had carefully thought about what to order on the menu with a calid smile, luffy had loudly talked with Zorro as he ordered everything he could. Turning to catch sight of the girl who had turned at the same time.

You remembered those black round eyes. It was strange.

You secure the knot of the sunny pirate ship. Making an extra knot. Your mind reminiscing as you hear the loud laughs of your crew mates inside the sunny.

You two blinked blankly. Paralyzed; both recalling seeing each other in that awkward view. There was a distance between the two, that strangeness of when you don't know a person.

Then you gave him a weird meek smile that turned into a sweet smile to a stranger, almost an innocent chuckled slipping through your calid smile.

Luffy cheekily smiled back as he held his straw hat up more than gleeful to attract your attention. He felt the sincerity in your smile and his mind frenzied to be on your sight. He was excited and it was different than just the feeling of an upcoming adventure.

You were very silent, and yet your spirit was so loud that you needed no voice to express your soul. He loved that.

That was the first thing he noticed from you. Your smile brought to mind the color yellow like that of a pale harmless sunny garden day. Innocent and well intention. He needed you to join his crew!

One piece x reader one shots Zoro and LawOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora