Felix is using Nathaniel as a crutch, then a thought hit me, "wait, didn't the invite say we were getting a driver to our hotel after we RSVPed?"

Nino blanks and Nathaniel, the only one of us to sleep, says, "yep." 

So we all look around until we see an old butler holding up the sign that says, "S class." Reluctantly we all pick up our luggage, putting back up the royal shield, and regally walked over to him, faking that we all aren't exhausted. 

He nods at us silently, and we nod back at him. Silently we follow the old butler, we then get into his limo after putting our own luggage in the trunk. Once we are off, we watch as the skyscrapers fly past us. 

Here we are, this feels really bitter sweet, since my niece and I always dreamed of this place, and here I am. Living her dream. When my mind adapted to my body I forgot a lot of my past, remembered all the information though, which I always thought as a little weird. I forgot everyone from my past, but never her, which I feel is a gift in itself. 

. . . I miss her, but I hope she is well. 

Once the limo stops moving Sabrina nudges me so I look at where we were put- 

. . .

"Is that the Wayne Mansion?" I look at Felix, who looks at Nino, who looks at Nathaniel, and then we all look at Juleka and Sabrina, both of whom are star struck as they nod their heads. Which is a little funny since they see mansions a lot as well as castle given who their classmates are. 

I chuckle at them and we all get out of the limo. Bruce Wayne walks up to us , so we all give him a slight bow and polite smile, which he is quick to return. He holds out his hand to me, "pleasure to meet you Princess Chloe, I've heard a lot about you."

I gracefully atek his hand and shake it, "the pleasure is mine Bruce Wayne, I hope all you heard about me was good and true, and I've read a lot about you and heard many interesting things about you and your family as well." 

After that he does the same with Felix, Nino, Nathaniel, Kagami, and Sabrina, only to look confused at Juleka and Max, who were quick to introduce themselves to him. 

I'm guessing to avoid awkwardness the rest of the Wayne official boys, minus Jason stepped forward, which oh boy was that a mistake on Damian's part, cause once Sabrina saw him she shouted, "abandoner," and point at him. 

As if Kagami became the flash she ran at him, and tried to slice his head off. I laughed, Damian ran, and the chase has begun! 

My POV : 

As Damian ran from his friends who were chasing him with varying expressions. 

Kagami being pissed off, chasing him with her sword ready to swing at him again. Her shiny black leather jacket flapping behind her as she runs, the fact that she is wearing a skirt with the chinese zodiac story written on it and black combat boots with silver bucks on it, not stopping her at all as she bolted to swing at him after he disappeared so suddenly one day. Her silver choker and rings shining as she kept swinging at him while he dodged her while they ran around the front yard. 

Damian was about to escape into the mansion, only to be tackled away from it, the one to tackled by Nino who threw Damian back into the yard. When Damian was tackled, Chloe took away Kagami's sword, but Kagami still wasn't done. 

Nino put Damian in a head as Damian struggled, Nino said through his teeth, honestly madder than Kagami, "you fucking vanish then try to hide, how stupid are you?!" Damian claws at Nino's arm until finally managing to throw Nino off him, only to get body checked by Felix and tripped by Nathaniel, straight into a cat fight with Kagami. 

After a minute Damian and Kagami were both separated by Chloe, who pushed Kagami into Felix and Nino's arms. 

Chloe's POV : 

Once the fight was over and everyone got their little revenge Sabrina by ratting on him for me because after I told her about him, she has been the one to keep the anger. Kagami by all the fighting because honestly they were the closest, even if they were always fighting. Nino by head locking him like he was, Felix by body checking him, and Nathaniel by tripping him. 

I laugh then say, "geez, we are all really fucked up!" I laugh as I help him up, he rolls his eyes as he take my hand to get up. Once up I was about to let go, Damian pulled me into a tight hug, which I gladly returned, and after a few seconds the rest of the original S class joined in squeezing the life out of Damian with me! 

We all laugh after a few second as everyone got off us, though Damian kept me in a side hug, he says, "I missed you all and I'm sorry for disappearing so quickly as I did and without explanation." 

I hear someone clear their throat, so we all look over at the source to see the shocked Wayne family. Damian pushed me away quickly, which made me stumble, and walked quickly away from all of us. 

. . . 

I looked at Sabrina with a raised eyebrow, and she shrugged at me, so I looked at Kagami who just mouthed 'pride' and 'ego' at me. So I shrugged and began talking with Bruce Wayne about how all of this will go. 

~After they all got put up in their rooms, each one getting their own~

Once I get into my room I face plant on my pillow, and think, no longer as tired after the hashing out of our feeling from earlier, or really us just picking on Damian after his disappearance. After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling I get interrupted by a knock at the door. 

Reincarnated as Child Chloe BourgeoisWhere stories live. Discover now