Chapter 3-Steamy night

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I open my eyes to see my lips on Noah lips. Uhh why does have to happen to me. I quickly pulled away.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean too" I told him quickly while my cheeks felt like they were on fire.

"No worries, it happens to the best of us. But your cute when you blush. " Noah said with a grin on his face.

I looked around and saw Vicky looking at me and her mouth was wide open. I walked towards her.

"What the hell did I just see" asked Victoria with a squeal.

"Did my bestie just have her first kiss. OMG" Vicky said loudly

I quickly shushed her but everyone was looking at us. I was blushing so hard.

"Hello your Amara and Victoria right? " asked I think her name was Sofia.

" Yeah and you might be Sofia? I asked

"Yeah, I just wanted to get to know you better. It's that most people don't like young pregnant women and I thought you guys looked friendly. " said Sofia with a big smile.

"Yeah we are actually really friendly and we don't mind if your pregnant unless your nice we like you. "said Vick with a smile.

"So how many weeks are you" I asked

" I am 24 weeks pregnant and I am so excited to bring my baby girl in to this world. " said Sofia

"Aww cute " I squealed

After about a hour and half chatting with Sofia and some other girls the door flung open and we all run to our seats from before when we saw Ceo Smiths.

"Ok everyone, I think that everyone got to meet new people and got to know everyone better. So I will be announcing your positions now. " said Ceo Smiths with a smirk

After a while he told us all our assigned position and we were glad. Me and Vick got Senior Interior Designer so me and Vick had to plan all the projects and develop drawings, model, images and material related to the design our customer wants and also talk to the customer but we didn't mind because me and Vick are really good artists and have great communication skills. After Noah and Chase got Interior Decorator so they had the duty to select a variety of decorative elements for the clients home. Then James and Caleb got Residential Designer so they had to asses interior spaces and draft up the plans to recreate those spaces according to the clients needs. After Mila and Sofia got Space Planner so they had to create or update layouts of a specific space using CAD software and that was the easiest, I think Ceo Smith gave them it because Mila has a family to look after and Sofia is pregnant. So then Bailey and Lilly got design consultant that had to work with the client to create a functional and aesthetically pleaseing space and product and tell the clients what we planned and designed for what they wanted. But Ceo Smith didn't tell us who was going to be Interior design director and that's the most important jobs and the most high paying job there duty is the direct design duties in interior spaces for their organization and are charge of making important decisions regarding project designs. So I really wanted that position.

"So I know some maybe wondering why we don't have a Interior design director and that's because I want to see who's works hard so tomorrow I will ask everyone thats interested for the position and make them sign a paper so see you tomorrow and today we are having a welcoming party do I will give you the location so meet you there again alright bye. " said Ceo Smiths

Vick and I couldn't stop talking about what we were going to wear. When we got back home we got glammed up. We picked our dresses, I picked a tight black, v neck mini dress with a slit on the right leg with some black small heels because my ankle still hurts a bit. Vick picked a tight sparkle pink mini dress with pick bow high heels. After we got into the car and got there pretty fast it was a bar that above it there was a hotel. We got there around seven pm. After we started to drink some good beer and started to dance like whores. I was pretty drunk so I went to sit on the stool. Until a man started to approach me and I realized it was Noah.

"Did it hurt when fell from heaven? " Noah asked with a smirk on his face

"Haha very funny " I said sarcastically.

"Your very pretty Amara" said Noah while his smirk got bigger.

"I know, do you want to seduce me sexy" I said while flipping my hair.

He started to come close until he pushed his lips onto mine. I kissed him back. Then I felt his tongue swarming into my mouth. So I intived my tongue into his. His mouth tasted a lot like beer but who cares. I love his mouth. He started to lower his hand and he clenched my ass. I let out a really quiet moan.

Then I put my hands on his chest. He had abs. He grabbed my ass and placed me in top of the counter. I opens my legs and hugged his waist tightly shortly after he took me into a hotel room. He pushed me into the bed and started to take off my dress. I started to pull his shirt off and while he unzipped my dress I traced my finger through his abs. He too my dress off quickly

He started to squeeze my breast and I let out a loud moan. He then opened my legs and invited himself in. Oh, he really good at this. But I love it. After he grabbed both my wrists and placed them above my head and started to kiss me down my neck. Until he reached my breasts and start to kiss them. He kissed all over my body. I even think he left one or two hickeys. But then I was on top of him and started to kiss him all over. We were both moaning loudly and out of breath. Then we just laid there. I blacked out.

I was rolling in bed and bumped into something. I thought it was Vicky because sometimes we would get so drunk that we would sleep in the same bed. When I opened my eyes there was light entering onto my eyes. It took a minute to adjust my eyes to the light.

When I got them to adjust I realized that I wasn't home. It was a really nice room. But I sat up and realize that I was naked and I saw my clothing on the ground. I pulled the blanket to me to cover me. Then I heard someone moan in the corner of the bed.

Then I saw Noah, my coworker.

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