Her notes were joyous and varied, his were somber and repetitive. Yet, they suited one another. Fit with strange flawlessness. Fit together.


The tune reached a distinctive and bright harmony before coming to a halt.

Silence engulfed them. The sole audible sound was that of their breaths filling and leaving their lungs.
Until he spoke.

"Why are you here?" V asked, not turning his gaze towards her.

Why? Why!

"Why would I not be?" She breathed with calmness.

You know why. He opened and closed his lips slightly, but words had escaped him.
Because you are useless. The voice demanding to be heard.

"Do you wish for me to leave?" She asked gently.

Yes. Yes. He should say yes and see her walk away. But his mind suddenly went blank. Silent.

"I tried to harm someone that you know." His knee almost grazed hers as he finally turned to look at her. At her deeply violet eyes.
The distance between them was finite. Yet, infinite.

"Yet... You did not harm someone else even when you had the opportunity to." She did not hesitate to respond. Her violet eyes slowly roamed his face... Was she able to notice the dullness under his eyes? Or the way the color of his skin faded into cold paleness? "You look as good as new" Her lips curved into an unfeigned smile. "I'm glad."

Something irked inside of him. He sharply looked away, tearing his eyes from hers.

Why are you glad? Why are you here? What do you want from me? Why?

He remained wordless in the never-ending stillness of the moment, until the soft ring of her voice echoed in the room once more.

"Is it truly important for you? To win?" She stood in a swift motion, her slightly overgrown bangs swayed in front of her eyes.

To obey. I am only doing what I am told. "It is." Words he could barely utter. Lies he could never admit.

Her steps resounded against his ears "Then I have an idea..."

Perhaps she could still be useful. Just for a little longer.


"What do you want me to look like for the ball, Little V?" O's height suddenly elongated, her features slightly fuller. "Tell me what is it that you wish to see" Her eyes pierced through him "And I will make it happen." Her smile sharp and greedy. In moments she had already played with the texture of her hair, the color of her eyes, and the proportions of her body in a way that filled him with unease.

"That won't be necessary." V's frigid tone rang across the enclosed room.

She curled her eyebrow in surprise, as she returned to her original form. Almond shaped eyes narrowed towards him "Is that so?" Her tongue played against her cheek as she tilted her head. "Who is your entertainment? I thought you found those activities pointless." O's tone was mocking, testing how far she could get.

"It is no entertainment. I do not even know her name..." He was not lying. "Just some useful asset." His tone made clear that those were to be his last words on the matter.

"I see..." O's gaze ran up and down his stance as she walked towards him. Wondering. "You hurt me, Dear." She pouted slightly "I was looking forward to hanging in your arm." She leaned to his side, trying to wrap herself in his arm, but V pulled away instinctively, Avoiding the contact.

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