Chapter 14.- Secret Yearning

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December 25th, The day of the Yule Ball

" Please don't leave me, I don't want to lose you... I'll do anything"

"I promise I'll come back, I promise"

T he sweet voice floated in the air, dancing around his ear, a promise... from who?

" I'll see you soon"

The voices echoed in the room, Tears rolled down his cheek, he was alone... there was no one else there... but he felt like his entire world had collapsed.

"Sebastian! Sebastian wake up!"

He jolted awake, his heart was pounding in his chest, his cheeks dampened... he was crying in his sleep. A feeling of emptiness plagued his chest

"What happened?" He panted as he observed Ominis at the foot of his bed boring a concerned frown

"You were having a nightmare and you were sweating and whimpering... are you alright?"

Sebastian sat up in his bed, boring his face into his palms and taking a deep breath, he took several moments to process what had just happened

"Have you ever had dreams that feel... they just feel so real, it's like you are living in them like you already lived it before?"

Ominis didn't respond but came around to sit beside Sebastian

"In this dream... I lost something... I lost someone... but I can't see their face, I can't recognize them... but it's real, I feel pain when they leave, It's a pain almost physical followed by an overwhelming sense of loneliness... Has that ever happened to you Ominis?"

"I can't say that I have experienced anything close" Ominis calm voice soothed Sebastian's uneased senses

"And there's another... my happiest dream" He sighed "I'm laying down in a meadow, under a tree and the sun caresses my skin, I breathe fresh air, the flowing sound of water nearby... a river... and a soft hand caresses my face... and I am loved, I am happy, the happiest I have ever been, It's a feeling that fills my chest... and It's also real, so real...

I have never felt not even a glimpse of a joy like that, until..."

"Until...?" Ominis tilted his head in question

"Can I ask you something?"

Ominis nodded and hummed slightly

"Do you love my sister?"

Ominis seemed taken aback by the question but answered truthfully "With all my heart"

"How did you know that you loved her?"

Ominis readjusted himself in the bed taking a more comfortable stance "I just knew... because When I'm with her I feel like myself, More than with anyone else, She brightens my existence. Everything that's heavy, becomes feather-light in her presence. Anne is the light of my life, and just the thought of being apart from her makes my heart heavy"

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