Chapter 15.- To Wait

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Gasps for air drowned the bathroom

She apparated back to the castle... but she couldn't go back to her friends, they couldn't see her like this, not again...
She couldn't make them go through it again... the burden of taking care of her... because that's what she is, a burden... for everyone...

Camille clasped her hands at her throat, ripping away the necklace she was wearing, but she still felt like she couldn't breathe, the burning in her lungs and throat, it was like drowning... Her heart was pounding in her chest and her vision was blurry.

She looked at her indistinct reflection staring back at her in the mirror... and in that moment she wished she had the strength to break it, to shatter it into pieces, because she hated the person staring back at her... she hated the harm she had done to everyone.
To Louis for not loving him back, To Jeanne for not being a better friend
To Anne for not helping her sooner
To Poppy and Natty for putting them in danger
To Ominis for not fulfilling her promise of taking care of Sebastian
And to Sebastian... especially Sebastian... For putting him through the same burden of loving her... all over again...

Instead of shattering the mirror, or breaking something that did not feel any pain, she squeezed her fist so tight, boring her nails into her own palms so hard that she actually punctured the skin on her palm, little drops of blood sprouted to the surface of her hand, rolling down her fingers. She dug in harder.

It's all my fault

Why couldn't I stay away from him

It's all my fault

Why couldn't I spare him the misery of being near me...

I ruined everything... he was alright before I came back, he was alright and I ruined it

Between shuddered breaths, Tears flowed freely- she couldn't control it... not anymore. Loud sobs started tearing from her throat like acid, if she hadn't cast the muffliato, she was sure she would have awoken the entire castle.

I always ruin everything

The blood sliding from her shaky hands started to fall into her gown, staining the fine silks. She wept harder at the sight of the beautifully crafted gown her beloved friend had made just for her, now ruined. My fault. She dug in harder.

Soft giggles emanated from the hall but Camille didn't react until the door creaked open. Jeanne stood at the foot of the door, he eyes shot wide up at the sight of Camille's disheveled appearance and bloody gown.

She rushed to Camille's side almost tripping and immediately dropping to her knees. Jeanne's hands shot to Camille's face with haste, running her eyes through all her body with panic.

"Camille! What happened? Are you hurt?!" Jeanne squeaked alarmingly

Camille couldn't form a single word, her throat was drowned in sobs, she couldn't help but cling to her friend as soon as she was close enough, smearing blood into her as well

"Camille please tell me what's wrong" Jeanne begged, her hands still searching for an open wound on Camille's face and body "I should call for Louis" Jeanne murmured while reaching for her wand

"NO!" Camille blurted in between sobs "Don't bother him, please"

Jeanne frowned, her hands finally stopping on Camille's palms, the half-moon nail marks still dripping blood from the deepness of their carving

"You did this to yourself...?" She stared agape at Camille's bloody hands

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I ruined my gown I'm so sorry" Camille whined desperately

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