2 | 13 | He's Dating Who?!

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"...some stranger whispers"

Lisa and Daphne were up late at night talking about all the weird things happening

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Lisa and Daphne were up late at night talking about all the weird things happening.

"I know I should feel excited about the holidays, but everything is just so strange," Daphne confessed. She was calming herself down by filing her nails. "I mean, that could be anyone."

"But it hasn't happened again," Lisa replied, even though she had been having her own fears. It's been a month maybe since that first year was petrified yes, but he still isn't cured.

They were happy to get their mind off of things when her father announced there would be a new duelling club. Lisa was excited for this; she loved using magic and especially using it for non-boring purposes.

All the students were gathered up into one little area to wait for their turn to duel. Lisa knew Daphne wouldn't be too into it, but she definitely was. She looked at her father and his expression gave away that he would be showing her all of this anyway.

He started by demonstrating against the idiot DADA teacher, who immediately fell on his back.

Unfortunately when it was the students' turns, as always, it's the "Chosen One" and his deeply loved rival that have to be picked for everything. As first students to be selected, they got to do their little thing and disarm each other.

But things got nasty quick. Draco was such a foul player that even Daphne was intent on scolding him afterwards. He produced an entire snake instead of the disarming spell. "You have to admit, though," Daphne still said, "that's kind of impressive."

Pansy came in uninvited and said, "My boyfriend is extremely impressive. He can do all of that in his sleep."

"No doubt you watch him in his sleep," Lisa snickered, then she and Daphne shared a look. Her best friend was outraged.

"Did you just say boyfriend?" She snapped. "How dare you give him such a disgusting title. There's a reason we kicked you out of this little group and you still are set on trying to win us over."

Pansy only laughed. "Win 'us' over? I don't care about your friends. Just leave me and my future husband alone."

"That's not cool," Lisa stepped in before Daphne used more than just a disarming enchantment. "Don't call someone that so casually."

"Just ask him. We're official-" Pansy was cut off by a harsh shush and some stranger whispers. Lisa returned to the front of the crowd to see what was going on. The sight in front of her was bewildering.

The snake that Lockhart promised to make disappear, was looking right into Harry's face while he spoke some kind of gibberish that no one could understand.

Yet, Lisa knew exactly what was happening. Her father let her read up on all kinds of literature, including things about parseltongues.

And Harry of course had to be one.

~ * ~ *

"Harry?" Lisa called to the boy and his friend as they walked the halls together.

"Hi, Lisa," Harry said while passing. He seemed to be on edge and preoccupied so Lisa didn't bother furthering her questions.

A couple weeks went by and she became a little nosy but also frustrated that every time she tried to talk to Harry, he was blowing her off and continuing to talk with Weasley. How important was that redhead compared to her? She just wanted to talk to him about his new gift but it seemed like he didn't want to talk at all. She wasn't about to beg for someone's attention, so she didn't reach out anymore and just listened to the quiet banter of her best friend and Draco.

Daphne was so furious with Draco for even entertaining the idea of him and Pansy - Pansy must've been receiving some hints or flirting - that she would just leave if he came anywhere close. Lisa understood as she wasn't as close with Draco as she was with Daphne.

Pansy did know how to get under her skin though. Draco had no idea what made Daphne so upset, he didn't even realize that sitting with Pansy and talking with her instead would make it so much more of a big deal. And when Daphne heard Tracey Davis and another Slytherin talk about how weird Draco was for picking a girl like Pansy over Daphne, she broke down in Lisa's arms.

"So it IS true!" She cried, her face buried. "I hate him for this. I can't believe he would ruin our friendship by dating such a pig."

Lisa couldn't believe it either, and she fell into the rumors as well. "I don't know what's gotten into him, Daphne! But remember, you haven't heard him out."

"There is nothing to hear!" Daphne sobbed even harder and the other Slytherin girls felt so much pity for her that they just left the room.

They were so young, Lisa thought. There is no way Draco is into anyone at this age. She knew they just needed some time, but she wished the group would get back to normal, at least before Christmas.

This would be a terrible time for everyone to find out another pair of petrified victims.

~ * ~ *

This only made Lisa felt more determined to talk to Harry, as she was 100% sure he was somehow connected to all of this going on.

Still, she had no time to go talk to him. All she could worry about was comforting herself and Daphne and working hard to get the best grades in the class, even surpassing Hermione.

Around the holidays, things were getting back to normal. Daphne still hasn't talked to Draco about things, but he wasn't talking to Pansy nearly as much and that comforted her. And Lisa. She was worried there would be a huge split in the friend group.

However, by Christmas day, they were laughing joyfully together again and promising to send each other lots of mail and packages when they left for the break. At one point, they were all gathered in the common room waiting for Crabbe and Goyle to get back to see if they had snuck in any pastries.

They were acting a little odd and Lisa stopped gossiping to listen closely. Why were they so interested in the chamber of secrets? We had already talked about not wanting to talk anymore about things, as it would ruin the holiday spirit. Were they drugged or something? Lisa scoffed and ignored them. If they wanted to be weird, they can do that elsewhere. And eventually they left.

"That was weird," Draco commented.

"Sure was," Lisa agreed, but the conversation moved on to the trips they were all separately planning on taking. The mood had finally restored and the students were now just concerned about the upcoming semester.

~ * ~ *
Published 3-3-24

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