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We stood there, enjoying each other's comfort, not letting the other go. I missed this.

"15 weeks," she said. I pulled back, confused until I remembered the baby.

"Oh yeah,"

We heard the doorknob start rattling, causing us to pull apart quickly. A guard came in and looked at us, his eyes lingering on me longer.

"Boss needs you Rose, let's go,"

She turned and looked at me, pain swarming her orbs as she forced a smile.

I sighed. "Well, it was nice meeting you, ma'am, but I have to get going; please tell Aldamar as soon as he comes back," She nodded.

What has this man been doing to everybody?

Packing my stuff up, I started to head out. Getting close to the door, I placed a small camera on the wall beside it.

The cameras were really small, not really noticeable at first glance. Grabbing the door handle, I walked out to my car.

"Siri, call old man,"

Calling Old Man...

"McCoy, what do you have?"

"I got a little exploring in, found a couple of rooms, but only one stood out. I placed cameras in all vents; all you gotta do is log in and boom." I sighed, Taking my jacket off.

He hummed. "Alright, we'll look into that what about Aldamar, anything on him?" He asked.

"Not really, before I could take action, his guard busted through the door."

The line goes silent on his side, the soft sound of keyboard keys clicking in the background.

Suddenly I remembered the girl in the office, Rosàlia Fuchi. She used to be a member of our crew but ended missing one night.

"Hey, drinks on me tonight," Tommy shouted. Everybody, including myself, whooped in joy that I don't have to pay.

'Cause who doesn't love free stuff?

We walked into Chillwave Tavern all huddled up together. Everybody laughing, giggling.

It was all of our off days today, and we just wanted to have a night out to relax and have fun, since Sanders be working us like some puppets.

When we stepped inside, the atmosphere around had taken a sudden change into a more calmer state.

Everybody in the bar was either conversing with other people, working, or just standing up against the wall.

We all got situated at our table, getting comfortable, various conversations of different stories and jokes spewing out of our mouths.

The night started off nice and slow with all of us drinking, telling old childhood stories, and just having a good time. Rosàlia and I were on the dance floor dancing on each other, while everybody else cheered and laughed.

"I need another drink," Rosàlia sighed. I nodded as I pulled my phone out.

I saw a couple of messages from the boys telling me to 'have fun' and 'Goodnight' with their signature nicknames for me.

I smiled. My heart growing warm and stomach erupting dozens of butterflies as I giggled from the goofy pictures they sent me of themselves.

Daniel was smiling with the heart filter on top of his head and a small blush on his cheeks, doing the finger heart, with the caption 'Saranghae.'

𝑷𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑰𝑪𝑬 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬 (𝟏𝟖+)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz