Chapter 14

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Willow was a generous woman. There was no other way to put it with how often she spoiled him, but after four days of living in the Schnee manor and performing for her in private renditions at least twice a day, Jaune was beginning to feel like an intruder in the household.

The serving staff seemed to like him, but then it was hard to tell when they were professional enough to be polite and friendly to everyone. Klein said he'd won some favour with them by making Willow relaxed, and if he couldn't trust Klein then who could he trust? The problem was the rest of the Schnee family or, more specifically, the Schnee children. Jacques hardly ever spent time around Jaune or his own wife.

Winter was absent too, but Weiss and Whitley were always in the manor and seemed to be getting colder to him by the day. Whitley had shown him around on the first evening with cheer and energy, but that had been sucked out of him, and while Weiss had never been friendly, she'd at least been polite enough to say hello to him when they crossed paths and ask how he was finding the manor. He'd gotten the feeling she didn't like nor dislike him, and that this was an achievement all of its own, but now she scowled at him when they crossed paths and Klein had pointedly suggested he avoid her.

It wasn't hard to figure out where their resentment was coming from, either.

"Jaune!" Willow approached with a huge smile and a warm coat over her shoulders. "There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere."

"Ah. Sorry, Willow. I still get lost in this place sometimes."

"Oh, don't you worry about that. I know how this manor can be. It's so cold and empty that even I feel lonely sometimes. Anyway, I've asked Klein to pack your bags with some of your new clothing. We're going on a little excursion."

"We are...? Where?"

"Why, to one of those tourist spots you wanted to visit in Atlas, of course. I did say I'd help tou visit them."

She had, but he'd expected she would fund it or maybe organise someone to take him there and back at a pinch. Willow obviously meant to come with him. Which... well, it wasn't bad per se, but it only made him feel even more awkward.

"It's a natural hot springs in the mountainous part of Atlas. They've made it into a rejuvenating spa with a high-class hotel. They have excellent masseurs and beauticians there, not to mention a wonderful restaurant, and simply breathtaking views. I've booked us rooms for the weekend."

"That sounds lovely." It really did, and he had the feeling he'd have struggled to afford it normally. That wasn't the problem, though. "Is anyone else coming with us?"

"Hm? Oh, there's no need for servants on this one, Jaune. The hotel has its own staff for that. We'll be driven there and back by limo, but our chauffeur will return to the manor. Security isn't an issue, either. The hotel is very exclusive."

Right. Staff. Willow would naturally think of that first when he asked if anyone would be accompanying them. He tried to convince himself that was just a factor of being so rich, and not something she should be criticised for, but it wasn't easy.

"I meant your family," he said, trying to sound casual about it. "I know Jacques will be too busy but maybe Winter, Weiss or Whitley would like to come along."

"Hm? Oh, are you worried you'll feel out of place as the only person there your age?"

That really wasn't the problem. "Yeah," he lied. "I wouldn't mind the chance to become friends with them, either. Your children seem like great people."

"Hmm." Willow hummed, distracted, and turned her head. "Klein, speak to my son and daughters, will you? Invite them along and make it clear they need to decide within the hour. I trust you'll handle arrangements if they agree."

RWBY: Remnant's Blond BardHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin