Chapter 10

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It was downright mortifying dealing with Saphron and Terra teasing them just because they were a guy and a girl, and it must have been even worse for Pyrrha because she went so red with shame that she had to excuse herself and go home, and in such a croaky voice as well. The only relief was that she'd suggested they trade scroll details first, though he wasn't sure if that wasn't out of pity. He hoped not. Pyrrha seemed like a nice person.

"You move fast, little brother-in-law," Terra teased. "Not one day in Argus and already bringing home a girl."

"It's not like that. Didn't you see how embarrassed all that talk was making her?"

"Oh, I saw."

"She must be horrified."

"Oh, I doubt that." Terra chuckled under her breath. "Anyway, Saphron and I bought a halfway decent home camera and also some fresh clothes for you." Her low laughter didn't make him feel very confident about what those were. "And we thought it'd be a good idea to get the filming out the way tonight! Get it all done in one go. Then you can have all tomorrow for exploring Argus and having fun with any redhead girls you happen to meet."

It probably was best to get it all over and done with. Get it out the way. "Can I request videos be posted in the mornings instead of at night?" he asked.

"I guess it's no different for us," said Saphron. "Any reason?"

It was so he could actually get some sleep without being bombarded by notifications.

"Just a preference."

"Then yes, that's fine with us." Terra crossed her arms and hummed. "How many do you think we should make? We could do a bunch and do an upload every other day, but people might start expecting that and then there's no leeway. Jaune isn't going to be here most of the time, so it might be better to do less."

"Once a week?" Jaune offered, hopefully.

One day a week of poor sleep because of notifications on his Charisma didn't sound so bad.

"Once a week should do it," Saphron agreed. "Honestly, I don't want those people thinking they have a right to her— him." Jaune pretended he hadn't heard that. "People online can get pretty entitled about videos from what I've heard, and a lot of people get burnt out trying to keep up with the demands."

"More reason why it's good for him to leave us to manage it, then," said Terra. "He won't feel pressured by the comments demanding more."

As if he needed more reason to leave it to them when the comments were already about how much people wanted to get into his pants. They'd have a nasty surprise if they managed it. At this point he'd have willingly given them half of everything just to keep that away from him, but they were asking a much lower figure.

I'd rather pay my way through live performances and busking anyway. At least then I can know I've earned it through skill rather than the prospect of boobies.

The pair of overly happy women dragged Jaune down to the house's basement, which had been made up into a games room of sorts. There, they upended all the new clothes they'd bought onto a big sofa and let Jaune go through it with increasingly frayed nerves. Oversized jumpers, thigh-high socks, short skirts, fluffy arm warmers, black chokers, belts that were three or more belts in one. He didn't know if they were intentionally going for a rock-goth look or if they were just picking out everything they thought he'd look cute in. Small mercies, they'd avoided women's underwear, but they had picked out several bras.


"Some of the clothes have bare shoulders and people will expect to see a bit of strap," explained Terra. "Trust me, go without and the comments will only get worse."

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