Chapter 5

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A guy tries to do one nice thing.


The fact that he'd gained a point in Charisma from performing at the park didn't make up for the fact that he'd become a national sensation for being savaged by birds. The only good part was that the videos circulating online didn't show his face on account of flapping wings and bird-butt filling the screen. Still, his voice was clear, and he was sure his family would recognise him.

One point in charisma wasn't worth that kind of teasing.

The level he gained from completing the quest was nice, though.


Quest Completed:

You helped raise money for the local orphanage, even if most of it came from being embarrassed!

Success: +EXP. + Rep with orphans of Mistral.

You have levelled up.

You have 5 stat points remaining.


He hadn't yet bothered to allocate points.

"We still made a lot of money!" said Nora, cheering as she went over their earnings. "This will really help the matrons at the orphanage!"

"He made a lot of money," Ren corrected. "We didn't do much of anything."

"We saved him from the birdpocalypse."

"And for that I'm grateful," Jaune moaned. He was sat on a chair in what he assumed to be an orphanage. It was a nice place, not as run down as he imagined, but there were so many kids around and so few adults that he could imagine their costs spiralling out of control. An elderly woman had come and offered to help disinfect his cuts, but Nora had taken over. She held some cotton wool between a pair of tweezers and was dipping them in disinfectant and then on his tiny scratches.

The birds hadn't attacked him per se, and they hadn't meant to hurt him, but they were still birds. They had talons and claws. And it had been a free-for-all to find space on his body, with them being knocked off by others. The result was a wide array of tiny, accidental cuts and scratches over his shoulders and arms. Nothing that ought to have been life-threatening on its own, but the fact he was at 100/130 hp was still a little worrying.

At least there wasn't a status effect where he was bleeding out or something. And man, how would those work? What if one moment he woke up and just found he had Status: Cancer on his profile? It'd probably be a good thing, wouldn't it? Catch it early and all that. Jaune was lost in thought on that until Nora dabbed at a particularly nasty cut.


"Sorry!" Nora didn't sound sorry. In fact, she was almost elated. "I'm new at this!"

"Nora wanted to be a nurse for a long time," Ren explained. "But I was never reckless enough to let her operate on me."

"You could have told me that before I let her do this!"

"Be still," chided Nora, wrapping a bandage around his arm. Jaune was no doctor, but he was fairly sure a couple of plasters would have done. Nora was wrapping up his entire arm from wrist to shoulder. "I'll have you know I took a course in first aid!"

"She was kicked out for disruption after twenty minutes."

"I still took the course!"

It was easier to be mummified than to argue. Jaune sighed and let it happen while Ren guarded his new guitar from the sticky fingers of curious orphans. He'd have offered to play for them but the last thing he wanted was to terrify them if more animals appeared. That must have been his new bardic skill at play. Wonderful.

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