Chapter 13

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The Schnee family were arranged tastefully to greet him and seated on a selection of long chairs. The three women sat on an elegant sofa with Willow Schnee in the centre, while Jacques and his son took two flanking seats in what could only have been an intentional decision. It looked like a photographer had set them up for the "perfect family shot" except that the photographer would have had his work cut out for him because the only one who looked even marginally like she wanted to be there was Willow. Jacques wore a polite smile, and Whitley one of feigned interest, but it was clear no one other than Willow wanted to hear him play.

Klein brought him up and introduced him, and then none-too-subtly suggested with a nod that he play right then and there and not waste anyone's time. Least of all Mr Schnee's. The message was clear. Don't mess this up.

With that much pressure, Jaune didn't hesitate to activate his Bardic Skills as he played. It had tended to get him in trouble in the past but that was around large crowds of people. There were only six here including Klein, so it was probably safe. Safer than doing a bad job and losing out on his place to stay before his time in Atlas had even begun.

His music provoked an immediate response from the family. Willow beamed and sat straighter, looking for all the world like she was basking in the song. Her husband's eyes sharpened, but only in the sense that he started actually paying attention and not faking it. The next eldest, Winter, scowled no matter how well he played, and seemed to dislike him more for actually being good at it. Weiss closed her eyes and nodded her head along to the music, quietly enjoying it, while Whitley glanced at is father first, and then allowed himself to enjoy the music once it was clear he should. Klein just looked relieved he wouldn't have to escort Jaune out the building for failing to live up to the expectation.

There were no extra points in Charisma by the time he was done but that was honestly a relief. Jaune held his guitar to the side and bowed as polite applause rippled out from everyone but Winter.

"See?" said Willow, looking to her husband. "Didn't I say he would be perfect for the gala?"

"You did. And you were right." Jacques appeared to be pleased with the both of them, which made more sense with Jaune than it did his own wife. "That was quite the display. Sadly, I must be off to do some work but thank you for the tune, Mr Arc. It was a pleasure."

"You're welcome, sir. Thank you for allowing me into your home."

The man nodded once and stood, leaving with a steady gait. His exit could have been called rude, but Klein had warned him the man was focused on his work. Jaune just supposed some people saw their work as their life and blocked out everything else. He was much more worried about Winter Schnee anyway, because the woman in uniform had not enjoyed his music.

And at Lvl. 48 she was the strongest person in the room.

"Are we done here?" she asked, standing and dusting her uniform down. "I came and I listened as per your request, mother. I believe that was all?"

Willow didn't look upset or surprised. "Don't you have any thoughts on it, daughter?"

"It was passing, I suppose." Winter sniffed. "If you'll excuse me, I have my duty to attend to." The woman stormed past Jaune, only pausing at the door to nod and say, much more politely, "Good day to you, Klein."

"To you as well, Winter," he replied. "Come back safe from your mission."

"I'll do my best."

The door closed behind her. Jaune could feel the awkwardness dripping off every piece of furniture, and yet no one else here acted like they could. If this was a common occurrence then they'd probably gotten used to it, but that didn't mean anyone else had.

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