The Emperor and the Queen

Start from the beginning

although I burst out laughing when I heard "lice slide", the truth is, a tremendous amount of imagination to be able to generate insults like that.

"What confidence, I hope you know how to back it up" I returned her previous provocation in a perfect context, to which she let out a light laugh.

The middlegame became a duel of subtle maneuvers. We both painstakingly searched for improvements in the coordination of our pieces and control of space. As for me, with exceptional patience, I consolidated my pawn structure and activated the minor pieces, while Sakayanagi sought to open lines with precise movements.

"You're playing a bit Passive" Sakayanagi commented mischievously.

"Or maybe you're playing extremely actively, classifying between passive and active is a bit relative," I argued against her, earning an amused look from her.

"Whatever you say," she commented, not wanting to continue this absurdity.

The game took an intriguing turn on move 20, when Sakayanagi, recognizing the importance of central control, sacrificed a pawn to open up diagonal files and lines.

I, in turn, had to demonstrate my tactical mastery by accepting the sacrifice with caution, avoiding falling into passive positions.

"What an interesting game." commented a concentrated and happy Sakayanagi. "In all the years I have been playing chess, this is the first time that someone my age has caused me any inconvenience while playing."

"some inconvenience?" It seems that she still does not understand that she is the future loser, therefore she perceived my comment in another direction.

"That's right, I've been playing chess since I was a little girl, being considered a prodigy by even people highly valued in the "chess" profession." I was silent so he could continue. "It got to the point where I went from being the student to the teacher of my teachers, I simply would not have an opponent in any age range and my creativity in the area was exceptional" so this pride of imminent winner is born here.

"If I'm honest, Sakayanagi, from the years I've been playing chess, you are one of the only people who are giving me slight difficulties in winning" even though you are giving me a fight, I don't consider it enough to beat me for now.

"So you still continue with that thought of considering yourself the 'inevitable winner' huh?"

I gave him a look of confidence and we continued with the game.

The middle game was characterized by subtle piece maneuvering, with both making the most of every available resource. On move 28, I pulled off a surprising counterattack on the queenside, using a exchange sacrifice to unbalance the position.

Sakayanagi, however, responded with precision, defending himself and maintaining tension in the position.

This time we stayed silent, the game continued naturally.

The climax came on move 36, when he displayed an impressive tactical combination, managing to gain material without compromising the safety of his king. This turn in position demonstrated my keen tactical vision and ability to capitalize on White's mistakes.

"That combination of moves was..." Sakayanagi was perplexed, her eyes widened, although she recovered quickly, returning to her usual facial expression.

"It seems that I have a future chess grandmaster rival" Now Arisu was incredibly excited, the lack of a competent rival made her believe in the illusion of not having anyone above her, or perhaps it is the desire for a great rival made her a scholar of the game.

Wanting to demonstrate her superiority to "someone."

"Do you think you are talented enough to enter the higher leagues?" I questioned Sakayanagi with a sarcastic face.

"I was wondering that about you," she tried to reply.

"It seems that the answer was positive, because three monologues ago you described me as a "future rival chess grandmaster."" to which I laughed in a friendly way

As the game drew to a close, I consolidated my material advantage with impeccable technique. White, despite his tenacious fight, was unable to reverse the situation, and Black finally crowned his victory on move 48.

to which Sakayanagi had a brief moment of reflection, she extended her hand to me and I accepted it to show mutual respect to the opponent.

"That was an exceptional game, Lelouch, I won't forget it." She stood up from her chair and grabbed her cane to balance herself. "Honestly, I never thought you could beat me, in the end if you were able to give credibility to your words, which is a virtue that I value, one day I will challenge you to a formal rematch, sooner than you think, you can give me your phone number so Let's stay in touch?"

"Of course" said and done, I passed my phone number to Arisu, adding me without any problems.

As she was leaving the library, she turned to announce a few words to me: "And in what Lelouch said before, I think I was wrong in judging you as an opposite, in fact, we have several qualities and traits in common, if we were a duo, we would be very effective."

to which she turned around and left the library, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Focused on them, a vibration on my cell phone caught my attention, a message from Junko Enoshima asking if we had completed our operation, to which, fortunately, we all responded with a "Yes", to which Junko sent the following message. "Meeting place: First apartment block, room 666."

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