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Ayanokouji Pov

Currently, me and Yumeko are right now in the school's Liminal Spaces, also known urbanly as "hallways."

Our destination? class C, for which we lacked information of any kind.

our objetive? gather intelligence to form a plan that serves to destabilize all classes in the period before the first calculation of class points is made.

In this way, we would start with a resounding advantage over any of our unknown adversaries.

As a great master of war said:

"The supreme excellence in war consists in defeating the enemy without fighting."

Fostering internal divisions on the opposing side can be more effective than confronting each other directly. Disunity can weaken the enemy from within.

Destabilizing not only means attacking physically, but also undermining the enemy's morale. Disorienting they plans and demoralizing they troops can lead to a quicker surrender.

"In war, the way to avoid what is strong is to strike what is weak."

"Eu ayanokouji... why do you have that poker face?" asked a surprisingly curious Yumeko. "I couldn't differentiate between you and a professional opponent of mine, the truth is that as a casino player you have potential..."

"eh, I'm bad at expressing myself" she answered honestly.

"the truth shows."

I have been fighting since a very young age, ridiculously young, in which I was forced to face various professionals in various areas of martial art, where I was once seriously injured, I could not differentiate at that moment if I was conscious or unconscious.

Multiply that pain by ten and it hurts less than what I just heard in full detail right now.

Yumeko as a speaker can be of hyper-lethal range.

"but don't feel bad ayanokouji!" Yumeko said, as if on my face you could see the pain that she caused me with that phrase, I would like to see myself in the mirror to see if my expressions changed or remained intact, it had to be like that.

o yumeko can smell feelings, which due to the nature of our class may be completely feasible. "If you want I can teach you!"

"teach me?"

"That's how it is!" Yumeko answered happily "Don't think I was born with the gift of attracting people naturally, it's a skill that is developed!" She admits that she is a mass magnet without any impudence...

"hmm, is that true?" Although it is true that social skills can be developed through exposure to and attending a wide variety of social events, her other statement caused me slight doubt.

"very sure!"

"But Yumeko, aren't you part of the Bami clan?" I asked openly, the way in which the questioning was conveyed could even be insensitive, I saw her expression and could see that her mood changed to a more relaxed and thoughtful one.

"The truth is that even though I am from that clan because of my last name, everything that happens inside is completely indifferent to me, and this treatment is completely reciprocal." She had the intention of continuing to ask questions, but Yumeko's voice and behavior suggested to me that she didn't want to talk about it, so i kept silent about it.

"And what about you, Ayanokouji? Your last name sounds like that of the politician Atsuomi Ayanokouji's party to me, besides the fact that both of you are like two drops of water! Do you have any relationship with him?" a somewhat compromising question...

"Classroom of the Cunning and Deranged".Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora