𝐈𝐕: 𝐑ecalling Echoes

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         MAIA WAS TIGHTLY gripping on to the armrest of her seat.

Moving vehicles weren't really something she had much experience with. Annabeth had given her the window seat after seeing her gape at the passing buildings when they were in the taxi. Which she honestly appreciated. But she didn't like moving if she wasn't on her own two feet.

And that led her to now.

As soon as the bus started, Maia jerked back against her seat - her eyes wide as she desperately clutched onto the armrest for dear life. It felt as if she was being pushed back by some invisible force. Her heart practically jumped before she tried calming herself down by regulating her breathing. Annabeth glanced over at her when she noticed the strange behavior, but Maia had hurriedly looked away before she could meet her eyes.

But Annabeth spoke up regardless. "Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine enough." Maia said after she swallowed a small lump that had formed in her throat.

"Don't like riding in cars?" She asked - her look almost thoughtful, like she was reminded of something.

Maia hummed a sigh. "More like not used to riding in cars."

"Fidgeting might help you relax more." Annabeth nodded to her arm warmers. "Or looking out at the scenery. It might take your mind off things."

While grateful, Maia was also rather surprised. She wasn't really expecting for much of anyone to talk to her. Annabeth especially. She only figured that the daughter of Athena only talked to her when necessary or because she was Luke's sister. But it was nice, nonetheless.

Her gaze found its way over to the window. Despite her better judgement she had to admit that everything looked brighter somehow. The lush trees were spread out and hardly blocked the vibrant sky from view. Birds of a variety of colors flocked around in groups while bundles of flowers blossomed below - not unhidden in the strands of grass.

Tenseness in her laxed due to a hint of sadness creeping through her emotions.

"There is no way this is what sacred smells like." Percy grumbled.

She wasn't aware that sacred smelled like anything.

"We're soldiers on a mission. It's not a vacation." Annabeth said.

"Thank you for clearing that up," He said sarcastically. "But if this is so important, why didn't Chiron spring for plane tickets? This seems kind of low priority, doesn't it?"

"That's kind of on purpose." Maia pointed out - fidgeting with her arm warmers.

He tilted his head to look over at her. "Why?"

"Percy," Grover got his attention. "It isn't just the monsters who are gonna be trying to stop us. You're a forbidden child. Zeus might decide to take a shot at you himself. The sky is his domain. We'd be serving you up on a silver platter to try and travel through it."

"Yeah, no one mentioned that." Percy said as he sat back in his seat.

Eyes still focused on the window - she noticed what looked to be a piece of the night swoop down. It was clearly a bird, she told herself. A raven rather than a crow. Just seeing how its feathers were more ragged while its tail appeared to be more wedged shaped rather than like a fan told her that. It also told her that she was spending too much time alone in the forest.

When she lightly tapped the window, the raven turned its head in her direction - tilting it in... curiosity maybe? Maia mimicked its movement and the bird flew closer. Their wings brushed against the glass before it suddenly took off back into the sky and practically disappeared into the sun.

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