The Figure in the City

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Iris lamented, "Koba... he single-handedly destroyed everything... or rather, he shattered any hope for a promising future." She glanced down at her wrist, absentmindedly toying with the lanyard. "Yet, to be fair, we were no different... humans were equally ignorant... the apes only experienced pain and suffering because of us," she added, her gaze briefly shifting towards the window.

The interviewer maintained composure and silence while jotting something down, then shifted their gaze towards Iris.

"Is this where it all started? "The gentleman, reclining in his chair, expressed his surprise at her reluctance to start from the beginning.

She responded with a dry chuckle and shook her head, indicating that she was aware" I know you have the information, you had already shared regarding my complete origins... his origins," she stated, tilting her head to the side while maintaining eye contact.

"Pain and suffering... I believe humans have inflicted a considerable amount of it upon themselves over the past millennium... I believe you would concur more than anyone," the man elucidated, directing his gaze towards the scars adorning her arms. This action prompted her to unconsciously and gently rub them.

"Well, you're right on that one thing. Humans are shit to each surprising their shit to other species, "she said, running a hand through her hair and trailed her eyes off again.

 "I am aware that not all humans are bad, just like not all apes which are not necessarily good." Her expression turned icy upon saying this.

The interviewer's gaze shifted towards the scar on her collarbone, which, despite being well faded, still remained distinctly visible due to its severity in comparison to other marks.

"Should Koba bear the blame? Or Is it the soldiers whom you hold responsible for the outcome? The man inquired, being direct.

Iris fixed her gaze upon him, briefly moistening her lips and reclining in her seat, her head tilted and eyes shut.

What Makes a Savage? [*REWRITE*]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon