File Name Iris Rodman

153 7 2

She observed the water trickling from the pipe on the wall, descending into the earth, with each droplet contributing to the shimmering pool that manifested in her thoughts.


 In that location, the basement, time seemed to become inconsequential, leaving her unable to discern the length of her presence.


Blinking and sighing, she persisted in her contemplation of the corroded, fractured pipe, entranced, with a veil of disheveled hair obstructing her visage. If someone could have lifted it and looked into her eyes, they would have seen the pain and hardship she had endured. But now, it seemed like none of that mattered, despite the uncomfortable cold air and the metal chair she stood on, touching her skin.


A sudden clanking sound momentarily interrupted her stupor, causing her gaze to shift towards the man who stood a few feet away, engrossed in tinkering with the camera. She almost caught a word of satisfaction from his setup, little more than a breath, and then he turned, facing her.

The figure introduced himself as the interrogator and started recording "Interrogation of Iris Eileen Rodman on December 2, 2029, at 8:59 am."


Iris Eileen Rodman, who is 26 years old, stands at a height of 5'6 and weighs 120 pounds. "She being the daughter of William Rodman, also known as the creator of the Simian Flu." She remained muted, sucking her lips.

The man listed many serious crimes, such as assault, kidnapping, attempted murder, and arson. Then he looked at her. "Based on what I'm reading, you used to be quite wild and unpredictable," he said, his voice serious and unwavering. "But now, all I see is a mere shadow of your former self."

He stopped a moment to study the girl as she languished in her seat, her bloodshot eyes flickering slightly, and then he gazed upon her skin, a horrifying mural of what appeared to be a thousand scars. Barely illuminated by the dim light of the room and he wondered for a moment how it was possible to not recoil from them.

"These are merely the offenses you have perpetrated against your own species," he added. "We have only received hearsay regarding your actions against the apes."

She stared at him silently, showing no emotion. She made a sound of discomfort, perhaps a cry or grunt. It was surprising how calm she seemed, considering her reputation as a notorious criminal and murderer. But that's how most killers appeared upon capture - whether it was regret, despair, or an act, he couldn't be sure.

"You've become well known among both species. I've heard conflicting stories about you. Some say you're a monster and war criminal, while others believe you're just trying to do what's best for them," he said, clasping his hands together. "So, which one is accurate?"

The pale woman didn't respond, though. Instead, she averted her gaze and focused on the single window present in the basement. The man in front of her displayed a quizzical expression by raising his eyebrow. It is a matter of speculation whether she has deteriorated mentally to an extreme extent or possibly entered a state of catatonia.

"Ms Rodman?" He called out to her.

She still hadn't responded. The man sighed as he rubbed the back of his head, looking over the file. 

"It ought to be autumn," she murmured softly, her voice hoarse, causing him to blink in confusion.

"Excuse me?" He replied, wondering what she meant.

"I must admit, I hadn't noticed... typically, I am quite observant of the trees. Her gaze fixated on the window in Reminisce. "I have always found this time of the season to be the most enjoyable. In my childhood, I never paid much attention to the transition between seasons, but then again, childhood is a state of bliss."

Hearing her say this, the man couldn't help but look out the window as she did. "To what period are you referring, Ms. Rodman?" He posed a question, curious about her insinuation.

"In the time prior to the world's descent," she remarked, her gaze averted. 

"On one occasion, he questioned me about the trees. He was inquisitive about the phenomenon of leaves changing colors and falling," the brunette commented while caressing what appeared to be a lanyard encircling her wrist.

The man became intrigued by what she was saying" He? Are you saying-

However, he refrained from asking his question, fully aware that she might not provide a complete response, having only managed to get her talking. He should ask things she would respond to for the time being.

"What did you tell him?" He asked, trying to go along with her.

"..... I explained to him that trees sleep during winter, just like people. They grow, change their leaves, and then the leaves fall, but they don't die. She said this while looking at a branch of a tree outside, watching an orange yellow leaf shake.

"They enter a state of dormancy during the winter and awaken in the spring," she remarked, her gaze following the trembling leaf as it gradually descended to the earth.

" The longevity of trees is truly astonishing, as they can persist for up to 300 years, and occasionally surpass this milestone. In earlier times, however, the landscapes we deemed commonplace rarely showcased such enduring specimens. We made a mistake, just like humans do, and the apes repeated it. They thought they were superior, but nobody truly is. "We were all affected by the sickness of the soul, the worst plague there could ever be," she said mysteriously.

" What do you mean by that?" He asked, not sure what she was trying to imply.

She paused briefly, sighed softly, and then turned around, pushing her bangs aside to reveal her expressionless, even cold, face.

"Allow me to recount a story," she commenced in a quiet tone. "Regarding the Ape Leader and myself."

He raised an eyebrow at her, "I'm listening..."

"His name was Caesar....and he was my brother."


So here it is guys the first chapter of my rewrite, it might look a little bit similar but I did change things a bit and trust me the story is going to be a little bit different as we go along and I have editing help this time so he'll definitely look better XD I also want to thank my good friend @Acolyte_chill doing the art for my cover they such a good artist and makes the best OCS too ^^

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