Hostage situations

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Lily stood walking through the school. She was looking for Maddie. She was worried over Maddie and how she was struggling with being a vampire and she needed to find her as she was worried she was going to kill or get killed

Klaus wanted to leave Town and Lily knew that she was only going to go if she found Maddie and took her with her. Lily walked into the hall as she saw Rebekah

"Hey have you seen Maddie?" Lily asked

"No. How is she handling things" Rebekah asked as Lily sighed

"Better than I did but you remembered how it was. Your senses and emotions are heightened" Lily said as Rebekah nodded.

"I'm sure she is okay" Rebekah said

Lily watched as she walked out of the room. She frowned as she heard a struggle. She saw Alaric as he had the white oak stake at her chest. Lily rushed over and pulls him off of her and Rebekah stabbed him with the stake. They both rushed out of the school. Lily is soon grabbed from behind as her neck is snapped as a horrified Rebekah watched him drag Lily into the school


Klaus is packing up things around the house while Rebekah talks to him.

" Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me." Rebekah said

" Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be dead." Klaus said

"Well, he's not and he's a vampire thanks to mother's spell with a white oak stake that can't kill him. He's strong, Nic. Too strong."

" Where is he now?"

"He's stuck at the school without a daylight ring, but as soon as night falls he'll come after us. We need to leave now." Rebekah asked

"Fine. I'll collect Elena, we'll be on our way."

"Forget Elena! You don't need any more stupid hybrids!"

"What I need is protection from Esther's continued assaults against us." Klaus said

"We'll protect each other, like we always have. Always and forever, Nic."

" I'm not leaving without her."

"I'm leaving now. You can either walk out that door with me or you are on your own. Oh and he has your precious Lily hostage" Rebekah said

"What did you say?" Klaus asked as he looked to her

Lily woke up. She was tied to a chair. Pencils were staked into her hands as a cloth dipped with vervain in her mouth.

Klaus stood outside of the Gilbert house.

"What do you want" Damon asked

"Oh, I know all about my mother's invulnerable little creation and that's why I'm here. I'm leaving town, just need to pick up a few road trip necessities. Spare tire, flashlight, doppelgänger." Klaus said. He knew he was working in a plan to save Lily

"Can't help you there." Damon said

Outside, Klaus paces the front porch. He stops and picks up the newspaper by the front door

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