"What the fuck happened?"

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Lily stood in the mikealson house. She looked to Maddie who was lying on the couch. She was angry. She had found Maddie and in order to save her she had fed her she had to give her, her blood but Lily knew that it was likely Maddie was going to transition to a vampire too

"Lily. Calm down" klaus said as he looked to her

"What the fuck happened? Someone did this to her" Lily said as klaus looked to her and nodded

"I know and we are going to find out but you know she isn't going to make it. She's going to wake up and be a vampire and waste going to have to help her transition. You remember what it was like" he asked as she nodded

"Do you know what I remember. I remember my own family killing me and forcing me to feed. I remember being so angry with being like this as my ideas of kids, a normal life went out of the window. I will be there for Maddie but if she doesn't want to feed and wants to actually die I'll sit with her as she's passed. I was forced into this and I'm not going to do the same thing to have" Lily said as klaus looked to her

"Even though it means loving your best friend" he asked

"Even so. This isn't about me" she said as she sat on the couch as she looked to Maddie as klaus looked to her and smiled

Elijah walked into the room and looked in shock as he saw Maddie as she lay on the couch

"What happened" he asked as she looked to him

"That's a good question. You were meant to be there for her Elijah. You were meant to be looking after her and I find her at the bottom of the stairs. We are in a town of vampires, I have always done my best to look after her and keep her safe from the likes of my own brothers. I thought I could trust you to look after her and keep her alive" she said

"I'm sorry" he said as she grabbed him by the neck and pinned him to the wall

"I'm not the one you should be apologising too. She's the only who is going to wake up as a vampire and you were meant to keep her safe. She's the only you should apology too but her life that she imagined is over because you weren't there" Lily spat as she let him go

"Let me know when she wakes up. I need to pay Bambi a little visit" she said as klaus nodded

Elena stood in the kitchen as she made her something to eat. She turned around and jumped as she came face to face with Lily Salvatore and jumped

"Hello" Lily smirked as Elena looked to her in fear

"How did you get in, you have to be invited" she said as Lily smirked

"oh. Come on. Maddie invited me in a long time ago and talking over your sister are you not curious of where she is?" Lily asked

"We're not close she does what she wants" Elena said. She stood watching Lily in fear as she edged closer to her

"Oh I know and I also know how jealous that you have been of her. Maddie was found unconscious in a hallway in the mikaelson manor where no one would find out. I found her and she's going to transition and if you have done something to result in this she will come after you. I might let you be her first kill. Killing makes a vampire stronger. Or maybe I'll do it for her" Lily said as she grabbed a night

Elena tried to run but Lily was in front of her and pinned her up the wall

"You're going to die Elena sooner or later" Lily said as she grabbed the knife and stabbed it into her hand. Elena screamed out as Lily rushed out of the house leaving her there

Lily got back to the mikaelson house "she's awake" klaus said as Lily rushed into the room as Maddie sat on the couch

"Hey your okay. Do you remember what happened" Lily asked

"Elena pushed me. Damon was there. I feel weird" she said

"Deal with him" Lily said to klaus who nodded as he rushed out.

"I found you I had to feed you blood. You didn't make it. Your transitioning but if you dint want this, if you dint want this life it's okay too" Lily said

"I'm going to turn into a vampire?" Maddie asked with tears in her eyes as Lily took a hold of her hand

"If you want to. You need to feed in order to do so or you can live out your last day and pass it's up to you" Lily said is Maddie started to cry

Lily looked to her and smiled

"I know it's not easy I do but I don't want to force you to feed like I do. But it will be okay. Whatever you want to do I will support you" Lily said as Maddie cried

"I don't want to die Lily "

"I know that this isn't what you want but now we're considered dead but it's if you think you can handle being a vampire I'm here" Lily said as Maddie sobbed

Lily sat with Maddie as she fed from a blood bag "this is what you want?" Lily asked as Maddie nodded

"What will happen now?" She asked

"Your fangs will grow in and then your emotions are going to be heightened it takes a bit to take control. You're going to sense the blood wherever you are. The humans in the town you can hear it running from their veins. You need to try and control it so you don't kill anyone. This isn't going to be easy but I am going to be here for you" Lily said as Maddie smiled

Lily knew her transition wouldn't be easy but knew she'd be with her every step of the way. Lily knew that she was actually going to kill Elena for this and she was going to enjoy it

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