"I'm an only child, divorced parents," He voiced, getting comfortable. "how about you?"

"Well I guess everyone already knows my family history," I laughed, "But, I have one sister and also divorced parents,"

"From what I know, you had an interesting childhood," He said.

"Yeah, we lived in many countries," I shook my head, "The only good thing from that was the knowledge of languages," I twirled a piece of my hair in my hand. "You know a few as well is that right?" I asked.

"Yes I do," He thanked the lady who brought our food as she sat the plates down in front of our faces.

"Tell me more," I said, biting my pasta.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean of course I wanna know the surface things but I wanna know more, deeper I guess," I rambled, not sure if what I was saying made sense.

"Okay, like what?" Reid questioned, also eating his own pasta.

"I don't know, what's your favorite memory?" I pulled a random question out of my brain.

He hummed, looking up in thought before looking back at me, staring into my eyes as I looked at his as if it was impossible to look away.

"When my mother read to me when she was just starting her sickness," His tone shifted, chewing on his bottom lip.

"What is she sick with?" I asked carefully, not sure how he is with the topic.

"She has schizophrenia," He nodded, "is that the kind of deep stuff you wanted," he kinda laughed, trying to ease the tension.

"I will say something traumatic back so we're even," I laughed, now picking a memory in my brain. "I guess since I'm sure everyone wants to know, the reason I moved away was because my then father was an abusive asshole" I stiffened a laugh, feeling weirdly better as I finally got that off my chest.

"Really?" Reid asked, sympathy in his voice.

"No one really knows and to be honest I plan to keep it that way," I put down my fork for a moment.

"Why? don't you want to get justice or something?"He asked.

"No, all I want is to move on," I said, "and you have to agree, I achieved that pretty well," I smiled at him. His brown curls landed on his face as he moved them away with a free hand, and took a sip of his drink with the other. We continued talking, getting more close in one night then I could've imagined.

"Sorry but we are closing," A bothered worker came up to us as we laughed at something Reid said.

"Where do you wanna go?" I asked, not wanting to finish our day.

"There is a part near by," He suggested, taking my sweaty hand as we strolled off, forgetting we both owned a car.

"I know we are both profilers now, but if you could change, and get a different job, what would you pick"I smiled, sitting down on a bench that was still wet from the rain.

"A teacher maybe," He smiled shyly, his lanky figure by my side, "How about you?" He asked, looking up at the starts as I did the same.

"I would be a full time dancer," I counted the biggest starts in my head, trying to keep track but forgetting the number each time I felt eyes on my face.

"Morgan mentioned you are a ballerina?" He asked shocked, still looking at me. I heard a warm laugh come from him, making me close my eyes for a moment, taking it in.

"Lousy one at best," I smiled, finally facing him. "Hopefully one day, we will both achieve these dreams, but right now we have people to save," I said a small speech, almost forcing myself to remember reality as it had slipped my mind while on this date.

"Can I kiss you?" Reid whispered nervously, looking down at my lips. I was shocked for a moment, thinking about all the outcomes if we do, but none of the bad ones seemed to matter.

"Of course dummy," I smiled, letting him close the gap between us, as I melted in. He held my face with his cold hand, lifting it higher up to him. We both smiled into the kiss, feeling the others nervousness. Ending the night with a grossly stupid but amazing note.

Authors note:

The mental health is NOT mental healthing 🤗

wrote this at 12am and did not read back to anything I wrote soooo have fun 😇

Is anyone else listening to the "Who tf did I marry?" on tiktok??? girlss this my new fav show fr.

anyway, I hope this chapter was good enough 💋

anyway, I hope this chapter was good enough 💋

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𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 - criminal mindsWhere stories live. Discover now