What are you Doing Here?

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Derick's POV

"Derick, are you even listening to me?" I snapped out of my thoughts and tried to focus on what Helena had just said. "What's going on with you? Are you ok?"

"Yes, sorry" I mumbled back and returned to the message I just received from Charlie.

C: I've packed up some of your stuff and placed the boxes in the spare bedroom. I will be leaving town on Tuesday so feel free to go in and grab whatever you'd like. There are some donation boxes by the front door that you can check out as well. Please let Jason know when you're done as he's going to have the locks changed for me.

I felt so many things at this moment, but mostly, I wanted to flip the table and break things. If Jason was here right now he would also receive a fucking punch to the face.

After she signed the divorce papers, Charlie went radio silent. I tried to reach out a couple of times out of courtesy but she ignored me each time. The little bits and pieces that I did manage to learn from Jason were like ripping teeth.  He informed me that he was going to remain friends with her, much to my dismay and displeasure, and that he would not share anything regarding her life with me.

What was infuriating is that he stayed true to his word.  He didn't give me any details of what she was doing, where she was going, or how she was handling the divorce.  A part of me thought that he was enjoying this new part in her life a bit too much.

"Ok, well you haven't answered one thing I've asked, its like you don't even care" She looked at me with a huge pout on her lips and I noticed the slight quiver.  Seconds later she was in full blown sobs and I had no choice but to console her.

"I'm sorry, of course I care.  You were talking about the babies room and I think whatever colour you pick will be amazing.  You're amazing" I stroked her hair in an effort to stop the tears. "The baby is lucky to have you as their mom"

That seemed to do the trick and she seemed to perk back up.  

"Will you go with me to pick out the furniture?" her big eyes landed on mine and I sighed.

"Of course" I smiled and held her hand. "I just have a few things I need to take care of before I can meet you" 

She looked at me curiously but decided to let it go.

I grabbed my jacket and drove the road I knew like the back of my hand.  I didn't know what I was doing or if it made any sense, but I needed to see the house, and maybe Charlie. 

I parked my car on down the street and took in a few deep breaths.  I was feeling something and didn't know how to handle myself.   I decided to get out and walk the last hundred metres in an effort to collect my nerves. What was I going to say to her when I saw her?  I could pretend that I was here for my stuff and that I never got her message.

I decided I would wing it and walked up to the front door.  Do I ring the bell? Just open it? 

I never thought that I would feel so uncomfortable outside my house. The house I shared for years with someone I thought I loved.     

I figured ringing the bell or knocking would be my best option and hovered my finger above the bell button before I pressed it.  

A few seconds later I heard some movement on the other side of the door and held my breath as she opened it.

"What are you doing here" 

"I could ask you the same damn thing, what the Fuck are you doing here and why are you answering my door?" I glared at Jason and the urge to punch him in the face returned in full force. 


There's No Such Thing as Second ChancesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz