The start

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I snapped my fingers and made everyone appear. I made myself disappear. “Where are we?” Dean asked. Adrian shrugged. “Look, there's parchment.” Terence said,picking it up.

HELLO YOU LITTLE SHITS! I'M NO DARK WIZARD BUT I CAN LITERALLY SEND MY FATHER AFTER YOU! I making you guys react to stuff. Don't complain or I'm throwing something at you.

Terence blinked as he read the letter out loud. “Wow little shits so iconic!” Ron said. I reappeared. “I will hesitate to throw something at you.” I said,putting on an evil smirk. “Anyways! SIT DOWN.” I said. All of them sat down. “Look at the screen.” I told them.

The screen turned on, showing a puppet of Ron with paper. “Dear Mr and Mrs. My parents,I miss you. Hogwart is fun! I am learning magic a lot. See you at Christmas!” the Ron puppet said,writing what he said on the paper.

Fred and George started laughing. “MR AND MRS. MY PARENTS?” George said,laughing. Ron just blinked. “OH that's me!” Ron said, realizing that the puppet on the screen was him. Charlie chuckled. “You didn't know that was you?” Charlie asked. “I mean yeah!” Ron huffed.

“Hi Ron,what are you doing?” A puppet that looked like Harry asked. “I'm writing a letter to my parents!” Puppet Ron said. “Oh your parents,well isn't that nice? It's just so nice that you stay in touch with your parents! Your nice living progenitors who love you and can talk to you!” puppet Harry said,upset.

Harry just stared at the screen. “I would never say that to Ron.” Harry said. Fred, George,and Bill glared at Harry. “You better not!” Fred threatened, George nodding in agreement.

“You've met my parents!” puppet Ron said,still having a smile across his face. “How does it feel Ron?! How does it feel to receive correspondence from the people who brought you into existence?! Does it feel nice? I bet it feels nice!” Puppet Harry shouted at Puppet Ron. “Well..I guess I like it when my parents say-” puppet Ron tried to say. “It's also nice to be able to afford things! I can afford things,can YOU afford things?” Puppet Harry asked with a rude tone.

Ron just looked away. “Pumpkin, it's alright, it's just a video.” Draco said,pulling Ron closer to him. Marcus just glared at Ron. “AWW LOVEBIRDS!” Adrian squealed. “SHUT UP ADRIAN!” Marcus snapped. Adrian looked afraid of Marcus,so he shutted up.

“I can't afford happiness.” Puppet Harry said,staring at the screen. “Sing for me!” Puppet Harry ordered,wearing a crown and sitting in a  throne that randomly appeared. “Do you want to spend Christmas at my house Harry?” Puppet Ron asked. “YES.” Puppet Harry said.

Fred frowned. “You still ask him to come to the Burrow when he literally was being a jerk to you?” Fred asked. “Leave him be Fred, it's Ron. You know he'll be kind even if his friends are being jerks!” Charlie defended Ron.

“Look,I would never say that to Ron.” Harry explained. “Ronald,you need to work on your grammar. And Harry, please tell me if Ronald is ever a jerk to you.” Molly softly said to Harry.

“Mum-” George tried butting in but Bill glared at him. “Can we go play quidditch?” Oliver asked.
Percy sighed.

“I forgot to mention, there's a kitchen on the right and the bathroom is on the left. You guys to play quidditch until the next video.” I told them.

“YAY! I mean- yay!” Adrian squealed. Terence got up. “You joining Cap?” Terence asked. Marcus grunted and got up,the black haired male was taller than both Terence and Adrian. “I guess..” Marcus mumbled. Adrian, Marcus and Terence all went outside.

“Alright guys, let's go!” Oliver said, getting up. Roger got up as well. “Cedric,you coming?” Roger asked. Cedric nodded,getting up from the spot he sat by Viktor. “I'll join az vell.” Viktor said with his accent. Fred,George,Roger,Cedric,Oliver,Viktor,Harry,and Ginny all went outside. Harry stopped halfway though,turning to Ron. “You joining Ron?” Harry asked his best friend. Ron shook his head.

“No,sorry Harry. I'll stay inside.” Ron mumbled,feeling guilty. Draco glared at Harry,pulling Ron closer. Harry nodded, understanding and left.

Now it was only Hermione,Ron,Draco,Neville,Seamus,Dean,Percy,Bill,Luna,Pansy,Blaise, Charlie,Fleur,Lucius,Minerva,Severus,Albus,Dolores,Molly,and Arthur.

Severus,Lucius,Minerva,and Albus all formed a circle, chatting. Severus was close to Lucius,feeling safe next to the blonde. Pansy and Blaise walked over to Draco and Ron,sitting next to them. The group started chatting. Luna and Neville were having a full conversation about plants.

Charlie was happily talking to Bill and Fleur about dragons and Bill listened. “Ze dragonz zeem pretty. I wizhed to zee one!” Fleur said,smiling. Bill could only smile as his soon to be Wife and brother are getting along.

Seamus and Dean were cuddling,Seamus asleep on Dean. Severus stood up randomly, making both Minerva and Lucius concerned. “You alright,Sev?” Lucius asked. Severus nodded. “I just need my coffee.” Severus said. Albus smiled. “I guess we're all going to the kitchen!” Albus said,smiling. The four adults walked to the kitchen.

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