Your Pet Is NOT Your Familiar:

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Most familiars won't even have a physical form! Familiars are spiritual entities that have taken the form of an animal.

1. You're Putting Pressure On A Normal Animal:

- Your pet has its own life and wasn't put on this planet to serve you,

- They need your love, attention & proper access to food, water & shelter.

- You are the protector of your pet. Your familiar protects you,

- You can't just flip the purpose of your pet and force them into the role of a familiar!

- If you push them too far, you can cause them mental or even physical harm.

2. You're Setting Yourself Up For Disappointment:

- While pets are curious & like watching you, they lack the ability to use magick on their own.

- These are mundane animals & don't have the ability to enact your magick or help you with manifesting.

3. That's Just Not How It Works

- Familiars are spiritual entities first that have taken the form of an animal,

- Meaning, they aren't actually animals at all!

- They are more like spirit guides & can be met when meditating or doing astral projection.

4. Give Your Pets A Break:

- Not every cat or snake is meant to take part in your craft. Familiars are special entities!

- Your witch familiar will be there to help you spiritually!

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