Wednesday Witchcraft:

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Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, the planet of thought and communication. Take care of all personal correspondences on this day.

Try These Tips:

Compose Your Blog Entry


Study & Do Research

Work on Scrapbooks, Photo Albums & Edit Pictures

Shop For Books

Give Things Away To Charity

Light A White Or Blue Candle

Add Wind Chimes, Bells & Ribbons To Your Garden

Communicate With Spirits & The Fae

Wear Dusky Silver, Light blue, Dove Or Light Gray

Wednesday Herbs:

- Beans

- Bergamot

- Celery

- Clover

- Dill

- Fern

- Lavender

-  Lemongrass

- Lemon Verbena

- Marjoram

- Mint

- Nightshade

Wednesday Crystals: 

- Agate

-  Sardonyx 

- Sodalite.

Wednesday Spellwork: 

- Travel

- Communication

- Research

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