Ostara: March 20th - 23rd:

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Ostara celebrates the spring equinox,

The word Ostara comes from the Anglo-Saxon goddess name, Eostre. 

Eostre represented spring and new beginnings.

Colors: Green, Yellow, Pink, Gold, Blue, Violet & White.

Symbols: Rabbits, Eggs, Spring Flowers , Lambs & Baskets.

Incense: Jasmine, Frankincense, Dragons Blood, Sage & Orange.

Crystals: Aquamarine, Amethyst & Rose Quartz .

Ways To Celebrate:

- Planting seeds for a garden.

- Spring clean your house.

- Decorate an Ostara altar.

- Take a nature walk.

- Host a tea party.

Ostara Chant:

Welcome, welcome, warm fresh earth!

Today we celebrate rebirth!

Blowing wind, rising sun,

Bringing the spring to everyone!

Happy Ostara, and blessed be!

Ostara Blessing:

Sounds of laughter and wildflower aromas fill the air.

Paint your eggs; honor your god and goddess.

Ostara blessings to you, this Spring Equinox!"

~ Otherworldly Oracle

Ostara Blessing:

May this Spring season bring us love, prosperity, and success.

May Eostre, the maiden Goddess, Guide us this Equinox.

~ Otherworldly Oracle.

Ostara Prayer:

We celebrate the Spring Equinox

We gather our coven with care

We'll cast the sacred circle with rocks-

Though the earth is no longer bare.

We dance on green grass-

We praise the sky blue...

We thank the God & Goddess for what each has,

And dance in the morning dew.

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