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In the heart of the sprawling metropolis, where the neon lights danced like fireflies in the night sky, there lived a boy whose very essence was a tapestry woven with strands of manipulation and deceit.

His name was Archon, the son of Don Salvatore Romano, a man whose name commanded respect and fear in equal measure throughout the underworld.

From the moment Archon drew his first breath, he was groomed to walk in his father's footsteps, to inherit the legacy of power and influence that had been painstakingly built over generations.

Raised within the opulent confines of the Romano mansion, he was schooled in the art of manipulation from an early age, taught to wield his words like a double-edged sword, capable of both charming and cutting with lethal precision.

But beneath the charming facade that Archon presented to the world lay a darkness that few dared to glimpse.

For Archon was two-faced, his outward charm masking the cold, calculating mind of a true manipulator.

From a young age, he learned to see the world not as it was, but as he wished it to be, bending reality to his will with a flick of his wrist and a smile upon his lips.

As he grew older, Archon's thirst for power and control only deepened, his ambitions soaring to heights that even his father could scarcely imagine.

He reveled in the intricacies of manipulation, weaving intricate webs of deception that ensnared friend and foe alike, leaving them powerless in his wake.

But even as Archon basked in the glow of his own cunning, a darkness loomed on the horizon, threatening to consume him whole.

Betrayal lurked in the shadows, whispering promises of downfall and destruction, and Archon found himself ensnared in a deadly game of cat and mouse, his every move countered by an unseen adversary.

And then, on a fateful night bathed in the crimson glow of the setting sun, Archon's world came crashing down around him.

Betrayal struck like a thunderbolt, leaving him bleeding and broken, his life slipping away with each passing moment.

In his final moments, as darkness closed in around him, Archon felt a strange sensation wash over him, a sensation unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

It was as if his very soul was being torn asunder, ripped from the confines of his mortal body and cast into the unknown abyss of the afterlife.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the sensation subsided, leaving Archon floating in a void of nothingness.

He was no longer bound by the mortal coil, no longer shackled by the expectations of his former life.

He was free, free to roam the vast expanse of eternity, free to forge his own destiny without the constraints of his past.

And yet, even as Archon embraced his newfound freedom, he could not shake the feeling that his journey was far from over.

For in the depths of his soul, he knew that his two-faced nature would continue to shape the course of his destiny for all eternity, that his thirst for power and control would forever drive him forward, pushing him to reach heights that even the gods themselves would envy.

And so, with a smile upon his lips and a glint of mischief in his eyes, Archon set out to carve a path through the darkness, determined to forge a new legacy for himself in the endless expanse of the unknown.

But who knew that he would be reincarnated in a novel that he thought was so boring!

But he might as well deal with it since it's now his story....

Not Athanasia's!

He will mess with the plot however he wants.

After all, God is the reason this all happened in the first place.....


I'm taking a break from Alternative Universes.

And since this has the most votes this is what you'll get.

You should already know who's son he is.

Duke Roger Alpheus!

Should he be...

Ijekiels twin

older brother


Younger brother

𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖜𝖔-𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖊𝖉 𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖚𝖐𝖊! 𝙒𝙈𝙈𝘼𝙋Where stories live. Discover now