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You know it's serious when your parents make you sit in a corner glaring at us.

"What was that attitude?." My mom hit me with newspaper as dad had disappointed look. I scoffed not really caring about their questions. What's wrong with people around me? All they do is cause me trouble and then expect me to be good with them?

" Amogh asked us to be silent until your exams are done. We want to know what mistake I have done to make you behave like this?." Dad questioned. Speaking of the devil, he took Yug inside on pretext on making his homework done before dinner. By the way the food which was kept on the table was long forgotten by everyone in this house.

"You want me to stay with him for exam preparation? You always compared me with him! I am an average student who can get good marks if studied hard. I don't believe in securing top position and I definitely don't believe people who secure highest marks with high intelligence will ever be greater than me. I mean its their talent and this is mine. You always compared me with  him dad!." I complained with loud voice. Both my parents bent their head in shame.

"Don't point fingers at a person who has achieved so much. " dad said.

"Really? What did I achieve then? Why don't you talk about me like that? Coz I never secured highest marks? My value before him is nothing? Do you value him only coz he's intelligent , accomplished many goals, done with superspeciality by 30?." I asked my parents.

Mom lightened up a bit. She was never the one to go this serious but I know my dad.
"I only wanted you to concentrate, get good marks so that you can get placement somewhere. These won't matter if you are confident about your knowledge. We are sorry to push you like this. I personally didn't want you to fail like you did during undergraduation.  It's a pressure on us too." My mom spoke. I looked at her in disbelief.

"I will not apologize for anything. Why did you come back? Won't you stay there?." My dad questioned. I don't know what makes him think I will understand his stupidity. He has done same mistake few years back.

"Shall we have dinner?." I saw Dr Amogh standing there looking at me. I turned my head away indicating I am not interested to have anything with him. Yug jumped beside me showing his homework. Since it's Sunday tomorrow, I planned a day inside my own house with my favorite human on earth. Fortunately Dr Amogh has to leave us alone after 1 in the night as he got surgery planned out.

"Behave." My dad warned as I rolled my eyes. Yug was super excited for two rounds of bussiness game that he slept while playing. I carried him inside my room, changing his clothes, made him sleep peacefully. When I came out,  I noticed everyone slept except Dr Amogh who was checking his patients history on laptop.

When did he sit with us?

"I will sleep. You take my room. I will use guest one." I said walking inside the room adjacent to me. He just looked in my direction not saying a word.

What a day it has been! Who knew he will take time out for me? I am sure he never took off like this to spend time even with his own family. When I reflect back, I did observe changes in him but the decision he took had me oversee every single effort he carried out. With many thoughts in my mind, I looked over my clock to see I spent almost 2hours thinking about him.  Clock struck exactly 11pm. Yug sleeps pretty early for his age but it's necessary as he gets tired studying ,playing so much during the day. Walking out of my room, I saw Dr Amogh stretching his hands.

"Not sleepy?." He asked. I nodded my head as no.

"Come." He said taking my hand in his. We climbed stairs silently to reach my terrace. Slow breeze hit us as we stood facing the trees. Such an peaceful environment!

"I wanted to talk with you. " He started. I hummed letting him know that it's ok to speak now.

"I know, what I said has hurt you to the core. I was not myself during that time. I certainly didn't want to leave you alone but I just did what I felt is right. Now that I look back, I don't regret my decision no matter how tough it was for me to stand by it. " He spoke.

Don't regret?? Fumes spread across me as anger bubbled in me.

"I want to take it slow." He said holding my hand.

"I kissed you many times yet I feel it's the first time I have done it. I hugged you,  we both had slept together- I mean not in literal sense, you know not romantically but we did sleep on same bed. Never once in my life I felt you were being forced to be that way with me." He said as I looked away from him. What he has said is right. I never felt he's forcing on me. My stupid heart thumped against my chest remembering the kiss we had in same exact spot.

"What I wanted to say is, I will never leave you. I will take it slow. Take your consent before saying or doing anything. Will make you realise what I did was only to protect you not hamper your peace of mind." He spoke as I traced his thumb. He has always been gentle with me, respected by decisions, held hands during difficult times. What have i done for him?

Realization hit me hard. I have not done anything for him till now. It's always him who stood by me against his own decisions. What did I do? I cursed him for being the way he is and not seeing what he's been trying to do.

Did he want to go against his decision but taking it slow for me to get adapted with him?

"Anagha, now that you are out of college, I want you to see me, only me." He spoke which made my heart flutter.

What does he think of himself? I do look at him! Only him! All these years!

"I don't talk much coz I find comfort in our silences but these kind of silences kill me from inside." He spoke looking ahead.

"You do  express a lot now a days, as I am going to leave the idea of us. You are scared." I finally opened my mouth. He hummed not reacting to me.

How did we start and where have we come till now?

It was cool, humid and windy. My hair flew around, Dr Amogh stared at my face before taking my hair clip off. I turned to look at him with hair blocking my view. What does he want now?

"Let it go. The more you struggle to tame it,  the more it will move around. Let the direction of wind decide for you,  atleast for now?." He spoke looking into my eyes. My heart fluttered again! I let my hands down looking away. As soon as I did it,  wind blew on my face making my hair flow naturally, he tucked strands of hair behind my ears.

"Sometimes let others help you to tame your strands." He spoke smiling at me. I don't know what more he needed to say. But this was enough for me to be silent and let time decide our future.


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