Chapter 61 - Initiation

Start from the beginning

They seemed to be totally opposite people.

But to have that close of a bond was intriguing.

Karuizawa may not fully understand Ayanokouji's intentions in the relationship, but she definitely seems to be strongly connected to him.

And after what happened with Ryuuen, it may not be a leap to say that the bond has grown beyond being partners.

It's an old stereotype, the knight in shining armor coming to save the princess in her most desperate moment.

With their pre-established connection and trust it must have only deepened after that pivotal moment for both of them.

Karuizawa was still dating Hirata, after all. Were the feelings she was harboring toward Ayanokouji greater than the ones she had toward Hirata now?

Or was there another dynamic between Hirata and Karuizawa that I hadn't figured out yet?

It may have seemed trivial, but her situation was sparking my interest.

"High school is much more interesting than I initially thought."

By the time I had finished my own analysis in my head, I stood before the doors to the student council office.

I knocked on the door a few times to signal my arrival.

A few moments passed by before I heard a muffled voice say, "You may come in."

Opening the door, I was greeted with the increasingly familiar sight of the student council room.

"Hello, Student Council President Nagumo. Also, Hello Ichinose."

Nagumo sat at the head of the large table within the council room, with Ichinose directly to his right.

"Hello, Fukumoto-kun," Ichinose responded with a warm reply.

"Let's skip the pleasantries," Nagumo waved me off. "There is a lot of work to get through today."

Aren't you the only one who didn't exchange greetings I deadpanned.

"Today could be considered your initiation into the student council. The announcement of your induction into the council will be made after winter break. This will be your first test," said Nagumo.

"May I inquire as to why my position on the council won't be made public until a later date?"

"You have to prove your worth to me. If you do well, it will convey to me that you are worthy of being on the council. If you succumb to the challenge, it will just demonstrate to me how wrong I've been about you."

"I'll make sure to prove my worth," I replied.

"Good, that's good. I like the determination," Nagumo said with a sly smile.

He turned his gaze from me and onto Ichinose.

"Honami here will be guiding you through the duties of a student council member for the day. Make sure to pay close attention to every word she says. She's the best at what she does."

Ichinose smiled at praise from President Nagumo.

"With that," Nagumo began to leave his chair. "I'll leave the rest to you."

"Huh?" I audibly displayed my confusion.

"Something the matter, Fukumoto?" Nagumo asked as he was about to leave the room.

"Sorry, while it does pain me to say this, I just assumed you would also be active with my training, as I am your personal assistant."

"That is one aspect of your job. The other duty is to fulfill the job of any other student council member. That is why Honami is here. You'll learn how to best assist me throughout our journey together."

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