Chapter 51 - A Club Members Duties

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Today marks an important day in my student career.

It was finally time for my interview with the Student Council President, Miyabi Nagumo.

It took a bit of time to get this meeting officially set up, but nonetheless, today was the day.

After packing up my belongings from the classroom, I quickly made my way to the Student Council room located on the third floor of the school. Which was also where the third-years had their classes.

"You seem to be in a rush," Horikita said to me, while she was still seated at her desk.

"I have a very important meeting at the moment, so I need to have a quick pace."

"Might I ask why this meeting is so important?"

"Oh, I'm just interviewing for a spot on the student council, that's all," I replied.

"The council?"

"Fukumoto-kuns joining the student council?"

It seems like quite a few classmates were paying close attention to Horikita and I's conversation.

But, at the mention of the Student Council, Horikita's cold expression broke for a moment as it brought back memories of her elder brother.

"I see... the council... I wish you well."

"Who knows, maybe I'll end up in the same position as your precious elder brother sometime," I said jokingly; as I left the classroom.


After a brisk walk to the third-year level of the school, I finally arrived.

The Student Council Office.

For all the praise and support surrounding the Student Council, you'd expect something a little bit nicer. Thinking back to the trial earlier this year, the office only had a large U-shaped desk with a couple chairs around it. Pretty lame if you ask me.

Pushing that needless thought aside, I took one deep breath and knocked on the door.

No one immediately replied, so I tried once more.

This time, I could hear the hushed talking between people from inside the office.

Trying once again, I gave a much more firm knock on the door. Hearing someone finally moving inside the room, I waited until they opened the door.

"Hello there, sorry for the wait," a sweet voice sounded from the other side of the door as it opened.

"Ichinose?" I said as the familiar face popped out from behind the door.

"Oh! Fukumoto-kun!" Ichinose sounded a little startled at my appearance. "I didn't know you would be here today. Can I help you?"

"Well, I'm here for my interview for the student council."

Ichinose's face seemed to light up at my response. "Really? I'm so glad you decided to join. I'm sure you'll be a great fit-."

"Honami-chan, we need to conduct the interview in the office, remember," another voice sounded from inside the room.

"Yes, sorry, that's my fault," Ichinose replied with a deep bow in apology and stepped aside, letting me into the room.

After she closed the door behind me, I looked toward the head of the U-shaped table, where the new President was seated.

"Thank you for granting me this opportunity to join the student council, Nagumo-senpai," I said while bowing to him. Even though it pained me to do so.

"I appreciate the formalities," Nagumo replied with a smirk. "Please take a seat, and we can get this started."

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