Part II (IV)

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On their way they found a ruffled plant and a bag of thieving equipment. Good and solid tools, but neither of them had much of an idea how they could have ended there or who they might belong to.

Loose threads everywhere.

They didn't get a single step farther and ended up in the empty sitting room again, silently ruminating about the few clues they had managed to gather.

"I'm sure the Doctor would have solved this already." Donna sighed.

The Master, suddenly ripped out of his blissfully distracting thought process, groaned. "Can't you ever stop mentioning him?"

"Why? Jealous 'cause you can't solve it?"

"Tsk. He'd be completely useless here. Not enough brainless running."

"Seriously though." Donna put down the notebook she had snatched from Agatha. "You've been getting along so well recently and now you're back to oh, I hate this guy, although you clearly don't and he's all grumpy and doesn't say a word although it's obvious that he's worried 'bout you."

"Worried... rubbish."

"Oh, he is." Donna smiled a little. "He's always getting this little wrinkle above his nose when he worries' bout somethin'. And we weren't in any danger, Lucy's back home, I'm not making trouble... which leaves only you. And, I know you'll just start insulting me again, but could ya finally open your flippin' eyes?"

"No, I'm starting to get a headache from all your blabbering." He rubbed his fingers over his eyelids, trying to calm the drums that were getting annoying again.

"Not literally, dumbo. The Doctor's head over heels for you! Even you should have noticed. And God damn me for saying it, but if I don't do it, then no one ever will!" Donna let her hands dramatically clap against her legs and regarded him with a no-nonsense look.

Stupid woman. "I know. He told me."

"He... oh." That silenced her. Finally. The Master already wanted to sigh in relief when she opened her mouth again. "So, he's all worked up 'cause you didn't say it back."

"Uuuugh! Donna!" He wanted to bloody murder her, he really did.

"If I may be so bold," Agatha chimed in. She had been sitting by the fire the whole time, not saying a word. "Maybe-"

"You may not." The Master growled in frustration. Stupid humans. Always meddling.

"Well, I'm going to say it anyway." The Master felt his blood starting to boil. Someone would die soon. And it would not be because of the mystery murderer. "Let that man chase you a little longer. Let him prove he's being serious. In the end they'll betray you anyway."

Hilarious! "This shit went on for centuries already. There is nothing to prove." Except for if he was able to leave them all gagged in this room. Why did he even answer? The Master shot a quick, angry look at Donna and that woman had the audacity to smile. And not just any smile. No, it was one of those reassuring, empathic ones. Stupid. Just stupid. And yet, he kept talking. "It can't even work anyway."

"'Cause he's a man?" Agatha snorted. "Ignore the gossip, move to the country. No one will bother you."

"Not for that stupid reason," the Master groaned. "Seriously, humans, get some real problems already."

"Oh, he's getting snappy again." Donna rolled her eyes.

"Humans..." Agatha let the word rest on her tongue as if it were something special. "You two always talk funny. But if that isn't the problem, then what is? Is he of higher status? If so, screw that too."

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