Unspoken yearnings

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This story delves into Anirudh's perspective on Bondita's growth and his evolving romantic love for her.the story explores the complexities of love, sacrifice,guilt and unspoken yearnings of Anirudh.

Age details:
Bondita anirudh roy choudhary : 17
Anirudh roy choudhary : 26

Anirudh's POV

As I watch Bondita from across the room, a sense of disbelief washes over me. I can't help but marvel at how much she's grown. When I first took her in at the age of ten, she was a shy, timid girl who clung to me like a lifeline. Back then, I saw her as nothing more than a responsibility, a duty thrust upon me by circumstance.

But now, at seventeen, Bondita is a vision of beauty and grace. Her laughter fills the room like music, and her smile lights up even the darkest corners of my heart. Her antics, once childish and endearing, have transformed into something altogether more captivating. Every movement, every gesture, seems to be choreographed with a delicate elegance

I never expected to feel this way about her. When I first took Bondita in, she was just a child, lost and in need of guidance. I saw it as my duty to provide for her, to ensure she had a stable upbringing. But as the years passed and she grew into her own person, something shifted within me.

At first, I dismissed it as a passing fancy, a result of spending too much time in close quarters with someone as charming as Bondita. But the more I tried to deny it, the stronger the feeling grew. I found myself drawn to her in ways I couldn't explain, longing for her presence even when she was just a room away.

But I am a man of principles, and I know that confessing my feelings to Bondita would be a betrayal of everything I stand for. So I keep my emotions carefully hidden, buried beneath a facade of stoicism and restraint.

Yet, despite my best efforts to keep my distance, I find myself constantly drawn to her side. I revel in the moments we share together, whether it's studying together side by side or engaging in playful banter over breakfast. Each interaction leaves me craving more, aching to express the depths of my affection for her.

But as much as I yearn to tell her how I feel, I know that I can't. Not when doing so would risk our relationship and jeopardize the trust we've built over the years. And so, I content myself with watching her from afar, silently admiring the way her laughter fills the room and her smile lights up my world.

I may never be able to confess my love for Bondita, but that doesn't diminish the intensity of my feelings. She has become more than just a responsibility to me; she is the beating heart of my world, the one person who brings light and joy into my life. And for that, I am eternally grateful, even if I can never tell her so.

Recalling the past actions of mine, a heavy weight settles in the pit of my stomach. I never wanted to hurt Bondita, but in my pursuit of securing her future, I made decisions that I now realize were selfish and short-sighted.

When Bondita claimed to be my wife at 13, I was taken aback. I had never considered the possibility of a romantic relationship between us, and the idea both intrigued and frightened me. But as she pleaded for the rights and recognition of a wife, I couldn't deny the bond that had formed between us over the years.

However, my sense of duty and responsibility to Bondita collided with my desire to provide her with the best possible future. And in my misguided attempt to do what I thought was best for her, I made a decision that would ultimately cause her pain.

I brought Manoramma into our lives under the guise of a second marriage, believing that it would secure Bondita's future and offer her the stability and security she deserved. But in doing so, I disregarded her feelings and failed to consider the impact my actions would have on her emotional well-being.

As I watched Bondita's heartbreak unfold before my eyes, I realized the extent of my mistake. I had sacrificed her happiness for the sake of my own principles and desires, and in doing so, I had betrayed the trust and bond we had built over the years.

But even in the midst of my regret, I cling to the hope that Bondita will forgive me someday. I know that I can never undo the pain I've caused her, but I am determined to do whatever it takes to make amends and ensure that she has the bright future she deserves.

For now, all I can do is stand by her side, offering my support and guidance as she navigates the tumultuous waters of her emotions. And although I may never be able to express it aloud, I hope that Bondita knows that my actions were motivated by love, even if they were misguided and flawed.

As four years went by, I noticed a change in the way Bondita and I interacted. Our conversations became more subdued, marked by an indescribable distance. Unsure whether it was the passage of time or the complexities of our feelings, I found myself pondering the shift in our relationship.

Though Bondita and I entered into marriage early, I yearn for her to have the opportunity to script her own love story when she's prepared. My affection for her as a husband knows no bounds, and her narrative, penned with her own desires, is what I champion. Even if it means her heart finds solace in another's prose, her fulfillment remains my foremost narrative arc.

If Bondita were to choose to marry another, it would undoubtedly stir a tempest of emotions within me. Yet, I understand that love is not a possession but a journey, and Bondita's happiness is paramount. She holds the inherent right to seek love anew, to find solace and companionship in the arms of another should she so desire. My love for her extends beyond ownership to a deep-rooted respect for her autonomy and happiness. Thus, I would support her decision wholeheartedly, even as it may tug at the strings of my heart.

As bondita says , I too believe in the saying

"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."

let us hope for a future where Bondita and I can be together out of genuine love and affection, rather than societal pressures or external influences. May our relationship blossom organically, guided by mutual respect, understanding, and a deep connection that transcends any obstacles in our path. In a world where love conquers all, may our bond be a testament to the power of true love and the triumph of the human spirit.

Let's hope for the Best

This was actually hard to explain, as me being a girl, I couldn't capture the emotions of Anirudh that wisely, but I have given a little justification for Anirudh's character, which was not given in the show.

Finally Anirudh loves Bondita.He himself have realised.I am so happy for them. And this was another aspect which was not clearly depicted in this show. Anirudh's dilemma was not at all explained.

And about that Manorama track I would say actually ok and justified as Anirudh was also a young man(probably below 25 and in my book he is just 22) it was also his first experience of  upbringing a child. So we should not entirely blame him he also was compressed by the society and the expectation for a child  from a child, through him was new to him also.So I guess he is alone not at fault.

I hope I have did some justice to Anirudh roy choudhary's character



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