not fair.

188 3 12

tw:soupicide (its not shown but still) (i swear i cant get myself to say the word) also some other really heavy stuff i think so dont read this if u dont wanna see dat.

(Also egobwoarder is called skateboard by the main characters and egobwoarder on other times.)


its raining outside, its really bad this specific day. but not being much of a problem for cursedshot, staying inside and just not being close to the open windows is enough to get wet. but for egobwoarder, the rain was bassically flooding onto him. but still, he was standing motionless infront of the door.

cursedshot was a bit worried he would get sick, he always stood there when it rained, snowed, was blazing hot, it didnt matter he always stood there. not caring about sweating, getting frostbite, catching a cold or anything of that matter. so cursedshot would always be worried for him, but what could he even do?

only being able to make weird growling noises and other noises of that matter, not a thing to help him was possible. if he tried to talk to him, egobwoarder would just think he was a random person coming in to the place un-invited. there was nothing that was possible to do, so cursedshot spent most of his time in a room in the place egobwoard protected that was close to him but was far away from him so he would hear cursedshot crying in alone in the place.

he didnt want this to continue anymore, he wanted to talk to egobwoarder.. no he wanted to talk to skateboard.. if there was even a remenance of his old energetic self left, which.. there probably wasnt.. it had been too long since he even last laughed. it didnt feel like skateboard was even there anymore, he never even tried to smile or even sound happy, it was sad to see him like this..

he was tired with this always being the case.. always him being sad.. always alone to himself.. not like it was the case with cursedshot too, they were both always so close yet so far away from eachother. never being able to talk to one another, cursedshot always seeing egobwoarder cry all alone.

it would always make cursedshot sad aswell. not like he wasnt sad enough, atleast he didnt see egobwoarder crying this day yet.. but it was probably gonna happen either way, so cursedshot wanted to take a look from the window, to check on how egobwoarders doing. he hadnt heard a single sound from him today, probably because of how loud the rain was. but still it felt odd, yes he was almost always quiet, but not this much.

so cursedbwoarder walked to a window where egobwoarder was visible, to check on him like always, he was standing motionless. not doing anything but standing next to the enterance door. the rain pouring over him, making noises of water dropping onto the metal. it wasnt the best noise to be listening to for so long, being so loud it can be heard from the inside of the place.

cursedshot kept looking at egobwoarder for a couple of minutes, trying not to be noticed. while still feeling sad from seeing him all lonely.. it was never a good feeling.. so cursedshot figured he goed back to the specific room he's always at, while walking back one of the floorboards creaked. but since cursedshot wasnt really listening for creaks and only hearing the rain, he didnt notice.

egobwoarder from the outside however.. immidietly looked at the window hearing the floorboards creak. immidietly opening the door to catch whoever is there, while cursedshot is slowly walking to the room not noticing anything.

the dollmaker was walking to see cursedshot, like always going through the forest and getting inside the place from the back enterance that looks like no one knows about except her. but before walking inside the room cursedshot mostly is in, she hears loud sounds from near the front enterance.

It was a bit weird since nobody enters the place at all. So obviously she goes to check whats causing so much noise, walking closer, she hears yelling, someone whimpering in pain and someone getting banged to the wall.

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