Guard job.

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also this isnt in the timeline of the sick slingshot thing. this is a different timeline the bad future timeline to be exact. where the slingshot sick thing already happened.


it was morning. skateboard immidietly woke up and got dressed. he had finnaly found a job after some time.. he would have liked to work at slingshots cafe. but he wanted a job that would feel cool or something to him, and he finnaly had found one that felt really really cool to him. a guard job! well with a cool outfit. so when he got dressed he knew it was gonna be cold out today. so he weared an extra clothes under the armor they had gave him for the job. the armor was cool as hell. well.. for skateboard atleast.

they also let skateboard bring someone for 1 day to his job to show off. skateboard had immidietly chosen slingshot after they had told him. it was slingshots off day anyway.. so he grabbed his keys his skateboard- well a cool sword that acted like A skateboard. and went to pick up slingshot..

after a few minutes slingshot was waiting outside. he was wearing a really fluffy jacket since it was cold out. after a few more minutes of waiting skateboard was here and signalled slingshot to come. slingshot walked to skateboard in his really heavy looking armor which indeed kinda looked cool.

''damn.. nice armor it looks cool!''

''thanks sling!''

slingshot smiled at skateboard. but now there was a problem. there wasnt any space for slingshot on the sword that skateboard was riding.

''soo... how do you plan to get me there skates?''

skateboard got a second to think.. after a few seconds he had a brilliant plan! skateboard signalled slingshot to come closer slingshot didnt understand what skateboard was trying to do but he didnt care and came close.. before getting picked up by skateboard.


slingshot was a bit frightened but skateboard didnt care and immidietly started going to the place as fast as he could while holding slingshot.



skateboard was smirking under the armor. slingshot was just hugging skateboard really frightened but skateboard still didnt care. after a few minutes of really fast skateboarding and skateboard doing some moves for the showoff while slingshot was really frightened. but they had arrived at the place. it was a castle like place. since no one really took the offer to work here skateboard was just the only one there.

all the instructions he got when he attended this job was just keep the place safe and dont let anyone enter and dont do dumb shit. and be on the look out for someone but skateboard didnt care to read that part at all. so he sat own next to the door of the castle like place and signalled slingshot to come over. slingshot was still a bit frightened but came non the less. 

after 2 hours or so, skateboard and slingshot were very bored. it had just been the sun and some kids playing noises coming from the close park. the two were very bored, skateboard was just thinking to himself.. before remembering he was gonna tell his feelings to slingshot today he even planned for it but had forgot. immidietly started thinking while slingshot was sitting next to him bored as hell. 

after a few minutes skateboard had finnaly got an idea.

''hey sling?''


''soo uhh.. wanna go to the forest? sitting here is too boring..''

sling after a few seconds of thinking asked

''but didnt you say it was one of the things not to do when they gave you the job?''

''oh come on! you know me i always do stuff like this! dont worry!''

slingshot sighed after thinking for a few more seconds

''yea sure. lets go cmon.''

skateboard and slingshot both got up and started walking towards the forest. after a few minutes of walking around and slingshot annoying skateboard with his cat insticts they were in a really nice looking spot with really pretty looking plants. slingshot immidietly jumped into the flowers playing in it while skateboard was looking from afar blushing a tad bit but it not showing cuz of the helmet. 

skateboard kept thinking to himself trying to find a way to tell slingshot. before picking up a flower he thought slingshot would like from the flower patch while blushing heavily. then he walksed over to slingshot who was laying on the flowers and sit next to him and grabbed his helmet and putted it on the ground revealing his blush. slingshot got up and looked at skateboard a bit confused.

''whats wrong skates?''

slingshot kept looking at skateboard as skateboard was looking at the ground blushing more and more. and after a few more seconds slingshot was still looking at skateboard confused. then skateboard took a deep breah and held the flower infront of slingshot while looking away. and immidietly said really fast,


while blushing so much. slingshot was a bit shocked but grabbed the flower slowly and started blushing a tad bit. skateboard was still redder than ever and really nervious but slingshot tried to stay a bit calm. after a few seconds slingshot looked back at skateboard and skateboard looked back really slowly and nerviously.

''i.. uhh.. skateboard..?''

skateboard went quiet for a few seconds.

''... i- i.. yeah..?''

''i.. i like you too..?''

slingshot started blushing alot like skateboard too after saying his feelings to him back. both of them didnt know what to say know and both were redder than ever. before slingshot took a deep breath and pulled skateboard close to kiss him.


after a few seconds skateboard was shocked and redder than ever and so was slingshot. after a few seconds skateboard looked back at slingshot still a bit nervous. and slingshot looked back at skateboard blushing alot. after a few seconds skateboard held slingshots hand blushing alot still.

''.. i- uhh..''

skateboard didnt know what to say at this point they were both really really nervous..

''i didnt really.. hear- your reply.. uhh.. can youu.. say it again..?''

skateboard was really nervous still but slingshot started to smile

''my answer was uhh.. this..''

slingshot leaned close and kissed skateboard again skateboard was redder than ever now but slingshot was calm now.. slingshot chuckled a bit.

''yea i had a crush on you too skates.. i guess now were..?''

skateboards blush had faded away and he had started to smile a bit too

''i guess yea..''

after a few seconds they both started chuckling. skateboards nervousness was finnaly gone and they were both happy. they stopped chuckling after a few seconds and they were just smiling at eachother. they were both finnaly happy. but slingshot was the most happy it looked like. and they were finnaly in peace.

a sound from the forest came. the sound of footsteps but skateboard and slingshot both didnt hear it since they were both so focused on eachother. if they did even hear it would be fine. it would just be a deer or something.

a sword flew into slingshots eye. slingshot fell down now half of his face destroyed. skateboard immidietly got frightened.


skateboard tried to get slingshot up by shaking him but nothing. slingshot didnt move at all skateboard started to cry a bit.


''hes dead.''

a voice from afar was heard skateboard slowly looked to just see sword. immidietly filled with anger but still tried to wake slingshot up.


he started crying now. seeing slingshot emotionless on the floor.. half of slingshots face unrecocnisable.. he immidietly grabbed his skateboard like sword and walked towards sword who had an add white eyes with an emotionless face. skateboard immidietly grabbed sword by his shirt really mad while still crying a bit.


sword just grabbed skateboards arm looking at him with an emotionless

''get your hands off me. i dont have time for this.''

sword kept looking at skateboard with an emotionless face. still with the unsettling white eyes. he looked like he didnt care about anything.


sword still didnt care and held skateboards arm tighter. trying to get it off.

''i said.. get. your. hands. off. ME.''

skateboard held on tighter this time. skateboard just kept screaming at sword while sword just kept looking at him with the eerie white eyes. after a few minutes swords grabbed skateboard by the neck and started choking him.


it was getting harder and harder for skateboard to breathe. trying to find a way out but not being able to.


sword then punched skateboard in the face making him pass out. a bit of blood dripped from his face but he wasnt dead. as skateboard was passing out. he saw someone next to sword before passing out.

illumina is standing behind sword looking at him while sword is just looking at skateboards passed out body.

''i told you to not waste your time.''

''hes an annoyance thats why i did.''

''just come on. your with us now. your accepted.''

''alright lets go then i guess..''

its the dead of the night its been 3 years since the incident. skateboard never left protecting the place because he wanted to stay with slingshot forever. never leaving his side. its another night just sitting infront of the castle'ish place skateboard didnt even care to move while it was raining. he looked emotionless at this point. he would have starved if it wasnt for katana. after everyone heard about the incident everyone got over it and now thought of skateboard as weird because of how long he stayed there.

the only exception was katana. he was really the only one that understood him after the incident. he understood how skateboard felt and brought him food. talking to him a bit but skateboard didnt even talked at all at this point. even if he did, it was mostly a one liner like katana was before the incident and after the 3 years. 

yet.. skateboard felt empty. he still didnt care about anyone anymore. he had reached the point of wanting to end his life just to see slingshot again but katana would stop him most of the time. but even if katana wasnt there to stop him. there was another person. but skateboard didnt care. he was gonna try to end himself again. not having a care in the world still remembering slingshot not getting him out of his mind.

footsteps were heard from the forest. skateboard didnt care at all knowing who the fucking hell it was and he didnt at all wanted to see him at all. it was sword.. well follower sword as he calls himself now.. after the incident he had joined illumina to help him with what ever plan he got. he knew it was bad stuff but he didnt care at all.. he hated everyone after rockets death. sword walked to a spot where he could be seen and heard by skateboard but not any other person.

''do. not.''

skateboard didnt give a shit to sword and was about to end it all. but sword grabbed his aarm and stopped him yet again. skateboard wasnt happy at all and looked at sword with a menacing cyan glow under the helmet.

''let. go.''

sword didnt give a shit. still looking at skateboard with the eerie face from 3 years ago sword wasnt even doing this so save skateboard.

''i said.. do. not.''

''does it looks like i give. A. shit.''

''im not letting you die.''


sword didnt even care to say the reason but after a few seconds he said anyway

''you shouldnt have wasted my time. i told you to not. you did. now i want you to suffer fully living because you didnt listen.''

skateboard was furious but didnt move a muscle and just kept staring down at sword while sword was looking at him with the eerie eyes. after a few seconds sword let go but skateboard didnt even end himself because he was so furious. 

''i must go now.. dont even try. or shall i let you? your choice. but both ways wont work out well for you.''

sword walked away to the forest while skateboard was even more furious now but he didnt care now. that sword was gone, he was gonna end himself but another pair of footsteps were heard.

in the castle slingshot immidietly woke up full of bandages and looking like a mummy there was a person wearing blue bandages and some pants with eyes on it that looked a bit frightened from slingshots sudden waking up. there were 3 skeleton dolls next to the person slingshot immidietly tried to talk but all he could make was monsterous sounds.

slingshot was really confused and scared trying to understand what was happening but the person got himself together and tried to calm slingshot

''hey hey calm down calm down! dont worry im not gonna do anything to you! i- iswear!''

slingshot tried to answer back but all that came out again was a monsterous sound. slingshot didnt understand anything. still trying to talk he kept making monsterous sounds. starting to cry a bit of fear and not understanding how hes even alive and what happened. 

''no- wait dont cry! god damn it uhh... look ill explain everything just- just dont cry!''

slingshot was still confused and crying a bit but stopped and looked at the person with confusion.

''look so.. im a dollmaker i used to make dolls but i somehow learned to input souls into my dolls and.. i wanted to see if i can make a person thats dead come back to life by adjusting their body and i- i uhh heard about you and i tried and..''

slingshot immidietly got up and tried to look outside just to see skateboard on the front door talking to katana. after a few seconds of watching he decides to go outside but remembers all he can do is make monsterous sounds he tries to make normal words but cant. and starts to cry again, just when hes about to cry.. he hears skateboard outside crying too talking to katana about all of this now slingshot just sits on the ground and curls up into a ball and starts crying. 

the doll maker infront of him just tries to think of a way to do something but just crouches infront of slingshot and tries to comfort him.

''im.. sorry.. i- i dont think i tried to adjust your vocal organs and stuff while trying to revive you.. i- im sorry i tried..?''

before the doll maker can say anything. slingshot just hugs him and continues crying. the doll maker just pats him on his back and tries to comfort him.

''there there.. look i swear it will be fine! i mean..-''

the doll maker just tries to think of something to say to comfort slingshot before taking a deep breath. 

''you.. loved him didnt you..?''

slingshot started crying a bit more but felt a bit more calm.

''look.. i know how this feels.. i know how much pain youre in.. it will be okay.. i was like you too..?''

slingshot was a bit confused but he didnt care he just kept hugging the doll maker and tried to stop crying but couldnt.

after a few minutes slingshot had stopped crying he was curled up into a ball again and the doll maker didnt know what to do.. but she had to go and she knew it. but didnt know how to tell.

''alright so.. im sorry but.. i need to go now.. i have things to do.. ill try to see you if i can to comfort you! i- if i even can.. anyway.. goodbye now im sorry..?''

and like that there the doll maker and the skeleton dolls went. leaving slingshot alone curled up in a ball. thinking to himself he started crying a bit again

''why do i have to suffer like this..?''



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