Underswap!Papyrus x reader

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Based off some headcanons i wrote!

You have been working on a specific project for a whole year now, a massive blanket with embroidery and other stuff on it. It's been your comfort project for a whole year, and now it's finally finished. Your friends and family are aware of the project as you have mentioned it on multiple occasions and they were curious to see what it looked like when it finished.

You had called up a few of your friends, and your boyfriend, Papyrus, to have them meet up with you so you could show off the blanket you had been working on for a whole year. You were rather excited to show it off, hoping they liked it just as much as you did, considering you did put a lot of time and effort into making it.

"*earth to Y/n, hello?" You heard a familiar voice say from beside you, bringing you back from your thoughts as you looked up to see the taller skeleton brother, Papyrus.

"Oh, hey, Paps! You're actually the first one here."

"*am i now?" He looked around the room, then back at you. "*oh yeah, 'suppose i am." He chuckled a bit in response, shoving his hands back into his pockets.

"The others should be here soon, so we can just sit here and talk until they get here."

"*sure, why not?" You nodded and the two of you talked about whatever had come to mind. You always enjoyed spending time with Papyrus, and you got along really well too, which was even better! You had met through his brother, Sans, and after the first meeting, you two became close. He always supported you and anything you wanted to do and you appreciated that, and with a bit of time and help from Sans, you had asked him out, which of course he was happy to hear you felt the same way about him.

"Y/n!" You heard several voices call your name, making you turn to the source: your friends were walking over to where you and Papyrus were waiting.

"Hey guys!" You smiled as they walked up. What you didn't see was the odd look Papyrus was giving them. He didn't really like your other friends, but he could never put his finger on the reason as to why.

"So, where is it, Y/n?" (F/n) asked you as he/she walked up.

"Yeah, you want to show us this thing so badly, where is it?" (F/n/2) said, their hands on their hips.

"Yeah, let me get it!" You went into the house and grabbed the blanket, which was a beautiful shade of (favorite color) with embroidered (flowers or other design choice) on it, before making your way back outside.

"Here it is!" You held it up to show them, a smile on your face. However, before they could say anything, you heard your (mom/dad/relative/other friend) walk up, calling out to you.

"Hi!" You called back to them, bringing the blanket over to show them too, Papyrus watched you leave. Once you left, however, your friends started talking, as if not realizing he was still standing there.

"It's kinda ugly."

"They spent a whole year on THIS?? Damn, they're an idiot."

"Yeah, they could have been spending their time doing something else."

"For sure." Papyrus was absolutely livid at them. What were they talking about? It's a beautiful blanket and you worked so hard on it! When you walked back over, your so called 'friends' were all smiles, which Papyrus knew were fake. Oh how he just wanted to get you away from them.

"It looks great, Y/n!"

"Yeah, you did a fantastic job with it." You went to say something, but you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"*could you come with me for a moment, Y/n?"

"Huh? Oh, sure, Paps." You two walked away from your two friends, somewhere they couldn't hear you two talking.

"*there's somethin' ya need to know, Y/n."

"Oh..? What is it, Paps?" You tilt your head slightly, looking up at the taller skeleton.

"*while you were gone, i heard your so called friends talking... they were talking bad about your project, and you."

"What..? No, that can't be..!" You thought he was joking, but you could see the serious look on his face, which was rather rare for him. "They... did, huh..?"

"*yes. i know ya worked hard on it, and it's absolutely beautiful, y/n! But your so called friends over there are being all fake smiles and compliments over there."

"...thanks for telling me, Papyrus." You went back to your so called friends, to give them a piece of your mind. He was about to follow after you, but the next thing he saw was you running past him with tears in your eyes as you ran into the house. Papyrus glared over at (f/n) and (f/n/2).

"*you don't deserve to have a friend like Y/n, now get the hell out of here before i make you." As he said this, his eyes glowed a rather bright orange, a sure sign that he was pissed and not joking around. The two of them took this as a sign to get out and they ran away, not wanting to face his wrath.

"*tch. Good riddance." He mumbled before following after you into the house, knowing where to find you, he walked up to your bedroom door and knocked on it.

"*it's me, y/n."

"...it's unlocked." Papyrus heard you say after a few moments of silence. He opened the door and stepped into the room, closing the door behind him, and made his way over to you. You had the blanket wrapped around you, tears in your eyes. He lies down beside you and pulls you into a hug, holding you close to him.

"*I'm sorry about what happened, y/n."

"It's not your fault, Paps. Actually... I'm kind of glad you told me about it, because I don't need friends like them."

"*you're right, y/n. Hey... for what it's worth, i think the blanket is beautiful, and i know ya worked hard on it. it just shows how dedicated you are."

"Thanks, I really do appreciate that."

"*you're welcome."

"Could we... stay here for a while longer..?" You were comfortable like this, and you didn't feel like leaving your room now.

"*of course, y/n."

"Thank you." You mumbled as you moved closer to him, closing your eyes.

"*tired?" You nod your head in response, yawning a bit. "*then let's just take a nap, get our minds off that whole fiasco, alright?"

"Sounds good to me." You mumbled, and the two of you cuddled a while before falling asleep in each other's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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