Temmie x child!reader

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(Decided to kinda rewrite a bit of an older oneshot of mine)

You've been living in the Underground for several years now, ever since you accidentally fell down Mt. Ebott while you were out playing with friends. You've been staying in the RUINS with your adoptive goat mother, Toriel, so despite being in the Underground for a long time, you've only ever known the Ruins. Today was going to be different! Today, you were going to ask to leave the Ruins, but only for a little while, of course. You didn't want to leave the Underground, just explore!

After a bit of convincing Toriel that you would be back, that you weren't going to be leaving for good, she eventually let you go to explore, but not without giving you a hug and telling you to be careful. You nodded in response and told her that you would be careful, and with that you were on your way!

Once you had left the Ruins, you met a pair of skeleton brothers, Sans and Papyrus, who had made you laugh and played a bit with you as you three made your way through the snowy forest and to Snowdin, since they had noticed that you were of no threat to either them or anyone else. As you three walked and talked, you became rather good friends with the brothers, and you had told them that you would come visit again the next time you left the Ruins. Once you had gotten through Snowdin and were now to the entrance of Waterfall, you bid farewell to the skeleton brothers before you continued on your way. 

Along the way, pushing past several different puzzles and encountering several different monsters, you find a room full of glowing blue flowers. Your eyes light up at the sight of them as you walked further into the room.

"This is so cool!" You exclaimed, looking around the room, but stopped rather quick when you heard the flower echo your words back at you,

"This is so cool!" You giggled a bit as you decided to continue on your way. You kept walking for a little while, until you come across a sign.

"Temmie Village..?" You read, noticing that the sign was pointing in a certain direction, so you had decided to follow it, as you wanted to see this so called Temmie Village for yourself. 

~small timeskip brought to you by Temmie~

"h0i!!! I'm Temmie and dis is mah friend, Temmie!" You heard a rather higher pitched voice greet you as you walked into the village. You followed the sound of the voice to see a cat-dog looking monster that had dark gray hair, white fur, and wearing a yellow and blue sweater-like shirt. 

"Hi, my name's Y/n!" You greeted back, and the other monsters, which you had all assumed were named Temmie, came over and started to pat you, making you giggle a bit and pat them in return. After a few minutes of being patted, you decide to hang out with and learn more about the Temmies. 

You had asked about the large painting at the entrance, and one of the Temmies told you about their "history," which you listened to. You had noticed a hole in the wall and a sign above it saying "Tem shop." Curious, you walked inside, to see a Temmie sitting behind a cardboard box, who had greeted you as soon as you walked in,

"H0i!! Welcom to da Tem shop!!" You smiled and walked over to the Temmie shop owner, and chatted with her for a while. You had learned that this particular Temmie not only sold items, but was also wanting to go to College, but just did not have the money to do so. It was at that moment that you decided to help her pursue her dream of going to Tem College!

"Don't worry, Temmie! I'll help you go to College! I may not have the muns right now, but I'll help you raise up enough muns to go to College!" You swore you saw Temmie's face light up at your words as she pulled you into a hug. You giggled a bit and hugged her back. You let go after a few moments, and told her you would be back later. 

"Okie, b0i hooman!!" You heard her call out to you as you walked out. You went to leave the village, one of the Temmies stopping you.

"Hooman leave so soon??"

"Yeah, I gotta get back to my mother, or else she'll worry about me! Don't  worry, I'll be back tomorrow to play again some more!"

"Okie, Temmie wait for hooman to come back!" You gave the Temmie a quick hug and made your way back home to the Ruins, a smile on your face as you could not wait to tell Toriel about your adventures you had that day.

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