Ch2 - Awake

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Whisper's POV

You awoke for the first time. A small breath escaped you as your orbs lit in gentle lilac, gaze pointed towards the rolling blue skies high above you. It was relatively clear and cloudless from what you could see beyond the twisting branches, probably some time in the early morning. You felt as though you had slept for an eternity, but you felt exhausted. Your limbs were so very heavy. Part of you wanted to drift back into the dreamless black, but the longer you remained there, laying with your back to the ground, the more you realised you were too awake to simply sleep.

Despite the lack of warmth, you felt fairly comfortable where you were. The cold felt soothing to you, like ice being pressed against a fresh bruise, and if anything, you felt as though you were too hot, like it was cooling you down from a temperature that would have otherwise caused you to become ill.

You slowly pulled your body upright into a sitting position, taking a closer look at yourself. Your bones were pale white in colour, untainted by scars of any kind. The tips of your fingers faded into a lavender gradient, and though a little pointed, did not look as though they would do much damage if used to scratch another. You brought them to your face absentmindedly, brushing them against the bone. Though you couldn't see your face, you knew that you had tear like markings beneath both eyes in that same gentle lavender colour.

Your clothes were quite flowy and long, yet you knew that they would be considered rather formal. The colouring was primarily white, but there were clear spider web patterns in lavender embroidery, as well as other little details that would be easily lost if seen from afar. In general, they appeared to be very high quality fabrics, and they felt soft like silk, although you had a feeling the material was much more durable. You also had lace up boots that reached your knees. You appeared quite ethereal, and if you wanted to, you could probably have blended in with these snowy surroundings without much effort at all.

Satisfied, you shifted your gaze to the world around you. There were endless trees in every direction you could see. There must have also been quite the heavy snowfall, as absolutely everything was coated in a layer of powdery white aside from yourself. It seemed quite peaceful here, wherever this was. There were no people, no buildings, just the falling snow to keep you company.

You exhaled deeply, the warmth of your breath in such cold temperatures causing it to create a small puff of white. What was the last thing you could recall? You could remember white in every direction, endless and empty. It didn't look like this place, though. There had been no snow, no trees, no skies, just white. Where had that been? You could also remember sadness and pain, but not from you. Did somebody... die? Was that why you were alone?

Though you didn't have any explicit memories, you knew things. You knew that your name was Whisper, and that you were a god formed to uphold the balance of Negativity and Destruction. Although... something told you that there wasn't a balance to uphold here. Or if there was, it was already being managed. Why were you given such a role if it was not needed? It was confusing, knowing so much yet having no memories to draw on. Maybe it was better to focus on the present, and on the future, than worrying about a past that had yet to exist.

Your attention was suddenly drawn to a falling snowflake as it landed on your face. Such a small, delicate little thing. You smiled, finding it beautiful, and looked to the skies, extending your phalanges in hopes to catch the falling snow. "They're so pretty..." You murmured softly.

Soon, you retracted your hand, instead pulling yourself to your feet to begin your journey forward. You staggered at first, feeling as though you were walking for the first time in your life, thankful that you were able to use the trees for support. Once you were upright, though, it seemed to come to you naturally. "What do I do now?" You let out, uncertain. "Perhaps I should... find others?"

Since there was no real indication of which way to walk, you closed your eyes for a moment, holding your hands to your chest as you tried to sense the aura of anybody who might be nearby. An ability you knew entirely instinctually, along with forming white strings - or perhaps they were webs? It didn't really matter. You weren't exactly sure of how far your reach was when it came to aura sensing, but there didn't seem to be anybody in the vicinity, so your only real option was to pick a random direction and start walking, to hope for the best.

The walk was slow, but not unpleasant. You saw a few animals as you ventured forth, such as a deer with especially beautiful antlers, and a few white foxes that watched with curious eyes as you passed by. You watched them just as much, though, a small smile crossing your features. As nice as it was out here, though, the passing hours left you feeling tired, and you hoped you would eventually find someplace nice to rest.

The exhaustion became too much, though, and your body suddenly gave out from beneath you. You laid there, unmoving, the falling snow beginning to settle on your form. Trying to remain conscious was difficult, and it didn't take long before your eye lights extinguished, magic too depleted to be used. You weren't sure of how long you remained there, borderline unconscious. Your body grew kind of numb, so you couldn't even tell how much snow had fallen onto you, or if it even was snowing anymore. You weren't worried, just so very tired. Cold, too. Was it always this cold?

"...Hey there," an unfamiliar voice soothed from somewhere nearby. You would have been startled had you the energy to react - you hadn't even heard them approach. Their arms wrapped around your body and pulled you towards their chest, their grip gentle. You reactively buried your face into his clothes in need of that warmth. "I don't know if you're conscious, but my name is Reaper. I'm going to get you to safety, you are very hypothermic," he continued in that low voice once more. You tried to respond, to thank him, but all you could do was let out a soft exhale, sleep quickly claiming you.

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